Winter Break Pt. 3

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Hello Lovelies!

I'm sorry to all of you who really enjoyed the last chapter. However, even though I was having fun doing things a little differently and writing a little crazy, I think it's best that I rewrite it. So, that's what this is; a revised and edited version of the last chapter. Many things are different so if you would like, please take the time to read it. I love you all!

Thank you for all your support. UwU 💜💜💜💜 And 136K reads 💜

Jungkook's POV

I'm slow to waking up today; the sun shining clearly through my windows already.

The clock ticks patiently on the wall, telling me it's already 10:30 AM, which usually would have me flying out of bed so I can get back on schedule. However... today feels different.

I'm still thinking about Mr. Park, even now. I can't wrap my head around why he would be so kind to me....

True, perhaps he does have feelings for me after all, but I don't know how he can be so persistent. I've been strict with him, more strict than usual, and on top of that, I don't hold back my judgement when I'm around him.

I guess, part of it has to do with how badly I want him to succeed. But even still...the things I've said to him, the way I've acted...most students would've left by now.

Slowly I get up, stepping onto the floor.

"Ah~" I wince as I stand on my left ankle. It might seem strange that after all this time I still have pain from it...but I don't hate it. I my deepest pits of bitterness, the pain validates the fact that I've never been able to let it go...

I take a shower, going over what exactly I have to do today, and how much time I have to do it.

"First, I've got to barrow a ladder, then I've got to go buy some new paint brushes." I count them off on my fingers. "After that, I need to paint the studio, fix up the barre and tighten the floor boards. Last, I need to get my hair cut as well..." I sigh. There's a lot to do today, and it's already almost noon. "Maybe....maybe I could ask Jim-no." I tsk my tongue. "I can't ask him. He's probably trying to do stuff today already, and besides, it would probably make him uncomfortable for me to ask that. Let alone hypocritical."

I've already told Mr. Park a thousand times that I can't get close to him. I've said it in so many ways it's insane that he still has the guts to come to class. It wouldn't be right of me to ask him to be there and help me...

Jimin's POV

I get out of the shower, feeling bored. I have no idea what to do today. As much as I would love to practice, Mr. Jeon made me promise to ask him first.

Just then I get a text from Eunwoo.

Eunwoo: Hey, how's your break with Mr. Jeon going? 😉

I chuckle, opening the text.

Me: Great. We totally had dinner last night and got super close. We're basically together.

Eunwoo: Riiiiiiight.
Eunwoo: Like I believe that.

Me: How's your holiday going?

Eunwoo: You're never going to believe this
Eunwoo: Sehun's family is staying in the same fucking hotel as us! Yesterday that little fucker came into my room and through my phone at me while I WAS IN THE SHOWER!

Me: WHAT?!

Eunwoo: Yeah! I had to put that bad boy in rice for the entire day and into the night before it would even turn back on!

Bonjour//JikookWhere stories live. Discover now