Chapter 14

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*Rima's POV*

The twins and I ended up talking, off in our own little world, just like usual. I stopped for a moment to take in all my friends, sure I wasn't used to them yet, but I was trying to make it seem like I wasn't as scared of them.... Truth be told, I was still nearly terrified of some of them, but I couldn't let them see that. I had tortured them all enough with my running away and not letting them get close to me, maybe it was time I actually open up to someone. The twins and I had grown a deep connection, although it would make sense that it would be with them before anyone else due to the fact that I spent most of my time with them, and lived with them at their home. 

*Haruhi's POV*

I looked up from my lunch, and took in the sight, Kaoru, Hikaru and Rima were off in their own little world, talking about whatever it is they talk about. Tamaki was trying to get my attention, but I ignored him as usual. I was paying attention to Rima, she was looking around our lunch table, and she smiled brightly, a full and true smile. I could tell she was starting to open up to us all, but was still a bit closed off, mostly to the rest of us. She seemed as if she belonged with the twins, maybe as if she was raised with them, I'm not sure, but the three were so close, as if they had always been like that. 

She was good for them, slowly but surely, they were opening up to everyone else as well. I smiled at them. Somehow, they were going to crack each others shell. Rima seemed slightly closer to Hikaru, every time he was around she just beamed with light, almost as if she was radiating the suns light itself. 

*Rima's POV*

The twins really wanted to go over to Haruhi's, and to be completely honest, I was quite curious to see her home as well, I have never been, so we had a plan.


"Hey Haruhi"I said shyly, "What's up, Rima?" Haruhi asked me. "Um... I was wondering... Would I be able to come over some time?" I asked timidly, hopefully she would say yes. "The twins getting on your nerves?" She laughed lightly, "Um, no not really. But I think I might need a little break from them, and I don't really think I could hang out with any of the other members yet. Plus we are really good friends!" I told her, looking down at my shoes blushing. "Yeah, sure! But don't bring the twins, please." She nearly begged, I smiled and shyly wrapped my arms around her hugging her. The first part was set into motion.

*Haruhi's POV* 

Rima was adorable, I would feel really bad if I had said no, and I don't think she is like the others, and I don't think she would call me a commoner, so far she has treated me like everyone else. It didn't seem like money mattered to her, it was just materialistic after all. Soon enough the twins slid over to me "Hey Haruhi, can we come over?" They asked, I know they hadn't heard Rima and my conversation, so it would be okay to refuse them. "No." I told them sternly. Sure enough they kept trying to push it, and I said no every time. "Fine, let's play the 'Which One is Hikaru' game! If you get it wrong we get to come over!" They told me, I sighed as they put on hats, and mixed each other around. "Alright, Which one is Hikaru?" they asked me, I pointed to the boy on the right "Hikaru," then the boy on the left "Kaoru." I stated.

"How did you know?" they asked in unison. "Although you two look the same, you are different. If I had to say, I would say that Hikaru is 10% more mischievous than Kaoru." I say with thought. Kaoru starts laughing, but it seems as though Hikaru has taken offense, and the two begin arguing. 

*Rima's POV* 

So far the plan is working, now its up to me! I think with determination. I pull the twins to the side, and ask "So, you two didn't get invited, maybe that means she likes me more." I giggled. The two looked at me shocked, and then said "Why would she like you more? All you do is sit there." They said harshly, and then glared at each other since they said it together. This got everyone's attention. They looked from me to the twins, wondering what would happen, and then I blew up. "Well why would she like either of you?! All you ever do is hurt her feelings, or play around with her, she isn't a toy! Maybe that's why, you two continuosly hurt everyone, and you don't even care!" I yelled. I quickly covered my mouth in shock and ran out of the room. 

So far everything was going just as planned I snickered, I'm sure everyone is shocked.


At home that night we all fell into a pile of giggles, smiles and laughing. "How did they react? What happened after I left?" I asked, wondering what could have possibly went down. "Well we got yelled at for saying such cruel things, and making you run off after finally becoming social, and then we continued our fight as planned." they told me and I nodded. "Rima, you should sleep with us tonight." They said in unison, and I blushde deeply, "W-what? Why?" I asked, the two shrugged and then each wrapped their arms around me "It would be fun" they tried to sound seductive, but I just laughed at them, I nodded my head in agreement, since I knew it would be warm, and they wouln't do anything.


*Yuzuha Hitachiin's POV*

I was back from a business trip, I just got home, and it was about 3 in the morning. I walked by the twins room and saw not only my two boys, but also Rima, who was tucked in between the two of them, wrapped up in both of my boys arms. I smiled, they were so cute, I was glad she came along, although it did take a little convincing court wise, she was good for them. I quickly ran to get the camera, and took a picture, of course since it was dark the flash went off. I silently cursed myself, since I though I had woken them up, but I didn't. I sighed with relief. I noticed one of my boys was holding onto her, almost for dear life, and she was curled up into his chest, his arms only wrapped around her, while my other son had his arm draped over the two of them. I smiled, he must really like her, I thought to myself.

*Rima's POV*

The next morning I woke up in between the two twins, both of them cuddling into me, I was currently cuddled into Hikaru's chest, with his arms wrapped around me. Kaoru was behind me, his arms also wrapped around me, but his spread over to his brother while Hikarus did not, he was just holding me close to him. I could feel my face getting hotter. I poked Hikaru's stomach to try and wake him up, at first he just move his face so it was hiding in my shoulder, I could feel my face getting hotter. I poked him again and heard him grumble, finally he woke up and let me go, stretching away from me, I turned and poked Kaoru, waking him on the first shot. 

"Good Morning!" I smiled at the two of them, today was going to be the biggest day with our prank. They returned the smile, and rubbed their cheeks against my face, "You're so cute~!" They chimed together, and I just giggled.


Oooooooh!! Finally another update (; Hopefully you guys like it.!

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