chapter 31 boats

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recap: Anthony decided to call Jason after finding Jake overdosed from heroine for help .

{ The call }

Jason : what's up Jake why weren't you answering you had me worried ! Look dude I know I'm not your brother or anything to you but I ca-

Anthony : it's not Jake .

Jason: huh ?

Anthony : Its Jake's best friend , Anthony , I need your help .

Jason : with what ? your scaring me bro not cool .

Anthony : I found Jake overdosed from heroine in his hotel room .

Jason: wait you found him overdosed from heroine ?!?

Anthony : uh yeah can you help me I have no idea what to do .

Jason: erm yeah ! I'll be there in 20 DON'T CALL 911 ! Please

Anthony : ok bye

Jason: ight bye * hangs up *

Anthony's POV: I then try to get Jake to stop choking by trying to give him heimlich but I don't really know how to do that , so I just try to improvise but once I sit him up , he throws up everywhere and starts to slowly breathe normally again like he was choking on his throw up or something . I clean it up then lead him to a seat in the kitchen so I can keep an eye on him while getting him water . I eventually find a water bottle and give it to him then I put a trash can right next to him so if he does throw up it will be in the trash can instead of all over his room . As I continue cleaning his throw up I hear a knock on the door . I run to it and open it then there stands a probably 5'10 or 5'9 ish all guy with messy dirty blonde hair with a black hat that's on backwards with a revenge hoodie ( basically x merch , i had to . rip in paradise baby boy ! 😭💔 ) , basketball shorts , and some adidas slides he was also holding a plastic bag with drinks in them .

Anthony : bro right now is not the time to have a drink .

Jason : stupid , it's gatorade we need to keep him hydrated.

Anthony : oh ... um sorry .

Jason : * scoffs a little * so where's Jake ?

Anthony : oh um right follow me .

Anthony POV : i lead him into the room Jake was in and Jason runs over to him and hands him gatorade and shit . i really don't know what he was doing i was busy cleaning up his vomit . i finish cleaning up and once i turn around Jake is sitting against his bed holding his stomach and Jason is just rubbing his temples.

Anthony : what happened ?

Jason : nothing i just have no idea why he would do that .

Anthony : i know * sighs then turns to Jake's direction * Jake why did you do .. well you know what .

Jake : ...

Jason POV : once Anthony asks Jake he just looks up at Anthony and gives him a look saying ' shut the hell up ' i get annoyed and just slam my hand against the table and loose my shit .


Jake POV : as i'm listening to Jason yelling at me i just put my head down and begin to let a few tears out since i was just realizing how sucky my life was . here i am in hotel room getting lectured by a 22-23 year old guy after he and my best friend found me overdosed from heroine just a few hours after i bump into the girl who thought i cheated on her with my physco ex's who sent me nudes to sabotage the perfect life i was having . then i just break into huge storm of tears . 

Jason : YOU COULD'VE DIED AN- * gets interrupted by jake breaking down into sobs *

Anthony : * walks over to Jake and sits besides him * bro what's wrong ?

Jake : * sniffs * i ... i've lost her ... an .. and i had a chance to get her b ... back and i ... i ... i blew it .

Anthony POV : it then clicks that Erika is the whole reason for all of this . i knew he was sad about her , but i just thought he was just using this as an excuse to act out . now i feel so stupid .

Anthony : no you didn't loose her buddy ! this happens to all relationships . every relationship goes through this and if doesn't then the relationship isn't real . trust me on that . i guess ... what i'm trying to say is relationship are like a boat floating in the ocean . there will be many huge waves trying to throw you out but it's your job to steer the right way to avoid it . i know it may feel like your in the eye of a hurricane but trust me you are only going through a rough wave , and if you steer the right way you will reach an amazing destination that is worth the travel . so now it's just up to you to steer the right way . you can't give up now when your so close . you've done so much for this relationship . you've changed from some douche bag who broke every girl in our schools heart to an amazing , loyal , guy who would do anything for Erika . so , make the travel worth it . steer in the right direction .

Jake : what's the right direction ?

Anthony : i can give you advice but , i can't tell you that .

Jake : * puts his head down *

Anthony : Look all i'm going to say is go to her .

Jake : that doesn't help ! you just don't get it . i've lost a part of me ...

Jake POV : i put my head down and just continue to cry Anthony and Jason just stay quiet . soon i drift into a deep sleep . once i wake up i see many gatorade's and soups and shit i look around and realize i'm still in the hotel room , i thought me overdosed from heroine was a dream . i ignore it and see it's friday the day of homecoming ...

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