1. This is an AU {alternate universe} 2. This is a LGBTQ+ book 3. It's a love story {duh} 4. I'm not that good at keeping up with schedules 5. These are fake people 6. Being gay does not change who you are 7. I DO NOT PLAN MY STORIES 8. I am human too so don't murder me please.. 9. Watching TheOdd1sOut keeps the doctor away 10. Be true to yourself cause if your not then who are you 11. The song up there ^^^^ is amazing
Well that's all for today my fwends so when I decide to pull the first chapter outa my a- head make sure to read it cause I'm an insecure lil bitch that needs attention.
~Love you guys, Bleep Bleep Bleep Im yo alarm clock (i almost put cock, gods I'm messed up)
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