Flirting without Social Skills (but that's okay)

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The sun peeked above the mountain range, glazing the city with warm light. The dreaded sound of the alarm clock broke the peaceful silence of the room and lingered in the air, forcing Leon, an 18 year old boy, to jolt awake from his sleep. 


Leon had a hectic family and many siblings, each one with their own unique personality. There was his oldest brother, Yao, who was a Chinese man and eldest of the group (and treated them all like they were children, which was not fair because he wasn't that much older than everyone else). There was Kiku Honda, who was Japanese and arguably one of the most mature people in their family... there was Im Yong Soo, the silly Korean brother, Mei Xiao, one of his sisters, along with countless more that he had probably lost track of.

Himself? Well, he couldn't say he was any 'better' - but he was quite mature. At least he thought so... aside from his strange love of explosives and fire, but that was another story.

The summer break had breezed by, before he knew it, school was just around the corner again. Leon really wasn't looking forward to having to deal with the students and teachers of 'Gakuen Hetalia Academy'. 

Leon winced as the lights flickered on, revealing Im Yong Soo, one of his many siblings, standing at the door. The teenage boy groaned as Im Yong Soo practically pounced onto Leon.

"Good morning da-ze!" Im Yong Soo shouted.

"Go away..." Leon muttered, clearly in a terrible mood as he pushed his sibling off him.

Im Yong Soo grabbed on to his 'breasts', shouting, "Your breasts are now mine da-ze!" before running off laughing like a maniac.

Leon shook his head, muttering curses under his breath before waving at the Japanese man in his room.

"Konichiwa Leon-kun." Kiku Honda replied in return.

He trudged down the stairs to see most of his siblings already settled down on the table devouring dumplings and steamed buns (courtesy of Yao). He made his way into the kitchen to prepare a cup of English tea, a habit he had picked up from Arthur Kirkland, a friend he had lived with during previous years (or should I say when Britain colonised Hong Kong under the Treaty of Nanking but this ain't no history lesson. On with the story!).

He slumped into his chair, simultaneously sipping on the tea he had made. He grabbed a pair of chopsticks and slowly started gnawing on the breakfast Yao had prepared for them. 

As usual, he was considerably late, trailing behind his siblings. Thankfully, he had enough participation in sport clubs (such as soccer when he was 15) to sprint to class just in the nick of time.

He entered the classroom only to find most of the seats already taken (not surprisingly) so he settled with one near the back. He scanned his surroundings in search of any familiar classmates. His eyes landed upon a familiar trio seated near him; Francis, the French man, Gilbert, the self proclaimed Prussian and Antonio, the Spaniard.

He scanned his surroundings once more and his eyes landed on the person sitting next to him. What caught his eyes were the male's fluffy white hair and unique, beautiful violet eyes. His neighbour was quietly jotting down notes, unconsciously sticking out the tip of his tongue as he wrote. It was only when his classmate's stunning violet eyes made contact with Leon's that he realised he had been staring at him for quite a long time.

Leon quickly looked away and refocused his attention to the board, trying to shake off the weird thoughts coming in from either side. His Maths teacher was still giving a lecture on quadratic equations. Leon sighed. This is going to be a long day, he thought, resting his head on the table.

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