Friends. Not a crush.

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The already busy airport was packed with students from Gakuen Hetalia Academy. Chatter in a multitude of languages filled the air, but Leon was more interested in the architecture of the building itself (despite having been here thirteen times, it still never ceased to amaze him).

The architecture of the building itself was stunning; literally and figuratively. Bright lights lined every corner of the building, casting everything in a brilliant white glow. The domed roof looked like it was made with translucent yellow glass, casting a warm glow in the centre. The spotless marble floor reflected the glow from the lights and the early morning sky, diffusing a warm glow across the room. It would've been a peaceful place if not for the hundreds of people (specifically, students) running around frantically to get to their allocated flight and others chatting amiably and enjoying the experience.

Leon marvelled at the view as he passed underneath the domed ceiling, dragging his luggage along with him. He checked his phone to make sure he had it right: yep, he was here at the right time and the right place. He looked up at the giant banner declaring 'Barcelona' in bold white text and made his way towards it. He was immediately met with some of his Spanish classmates.

He paused by the decorative pillar, wondering whether to go join up with a group or just stand alone. It turned out that he didn't have to decide: his arrival brought the attention of a certain blond-haired man.

Arthur gave the Hongkonger a polite nod. "Hola amigo. ¿Que tal?"

Leon paused for a moment, furrowing his brows as he tried to decipher what Arthur had just said. "Wait, is 'good' in Spanish 'fatal' or 'bien'? It's 'bien' right?"

"Si. ¿Asi sois bien?"

Leon nodded in reply and quickly looked around to think of a diversion; he didn't want to be trapped near Arthur anytime soon, especially since he had that 'look' in his eyes (which only appeared when he wanted to spend hours talking about something, which was usually magic).

Luckily for Leon, he didn't have to do anything. Arthur's eyes flickered over to someone else approaching behind Leon. "I'll be right back." Arthur said, bowing courteously; then taking the moment to, for some reason, turn around and duck behind a group of students.

Leon ignored Arthur's weirdness - after all, he was the guy who claimed magic and unicorns were real - and took the moment to slide away into the crowd. He definitely wasn't ready for everyone to try and show off their Spanish vocabulary and expect for him to actually give a legible response.


Leon started slightly, but tried not too look to startled and turned around. He was just trying to avoid social interaction in general, but he seemed to have gotten himself into a bit of a situation... mainly, a certain albino who was way too obsessed with the word "awesome". Mostly referring to himself, obviously.

How does he even know my name?

"Hi." Leon greeted him appatheticly. Just leave already.

"Are you excited to go to SPAIN?"


Gilbert frowned, looking slightly surprised at his answer. However, his attention was quickly diverted as he took a closer look at Leon's face. "Wait... Didn't you win the Science Fair prize for creativity? That's so cool!"

"Yeah. That was me and Emil." Speaking of Emil, I wonder where he is...? Did he ditch me and the trip altogether?

"Wow! Can you teach me how you did that? You know, the explosions!" Gilbert grinned and snapped his fingers. "That was my favourite part!"

My Tsundere Little Snowstorm - A HongIce FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now