Imagine #1 - Jack

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You and Jack had an argument today and let's say it didn't end well, he walked out the house and he still isn't back, you have no idea where he is and he can't still be in the village it's too small to be out for that long and the worst part is that he's ignoring your calls, even though you've had an argument, you don't love him any less. So let's start from the beginning.

You woke up at 8 and Jack, shortly after and you both just cuddled and watched movies all morning, you watched The perks of being a wall flower and the hangover. Around 12 you decided it would be a good idea to get up and get ready so you both had breakfast (a huge stack of pancakes), had a wash and then you wanted to get changed but asked Jack politely to get out the room, he asked why but you really didn't want to tell him and you wouldn't tell him and then you had an argument about trust and he was saying that you should tell eachother everything but you refused to tell him and so he walked out the house around 1.

See the thing you didn't want to tell him was... you didn't want him to see your scars, not stretch mark, scars your not that self conscious, but your self harm scars are all over the inside of your thighs, it's not so much the scars themselves, but you can't excuse them for stretch marks as they're in the wrong place and are the complete wrong colour, not only that but they're way to neat for stretch marks, but anyway it's not the scars that are the problem it's what they're from that is... Self harm, Jack doesn't know you used to do it, the good thing is that you've stopped, ever since Jack has come into your life you don't have the urge to do it... As much... You still get the odd urge now and again, but thinking about Jack would stop it. The reason you haven't told Jack is... come on to be fair who wants a self harming, suicidal freak for a girlfriend, no one, that's who! Especially someone who's as well known as Jack, I don't deserve him. I need to tell him... I will, when he gets back I'll tell him, he'll leave me and I know it, but I'll accept it, it's ok, I wouldn't blame him.


It's around 4 o'clock now, Jack's been gone about 3 hours, you're really starting to worry about him now but the door unlocking brings you out of your train of awful thoughts of what could've happened to him. You waited for him to come upstairs eventually he did and before the awkward silence could start, you grabbed him by the hand sat him down on your bed and before he could speak, You blurted the truth out, You told him everything, he looked you in the eye and his were filled with pain. He walked into your bathroom without saying anything... 'He's gonna leave me I know it' you thought. He just came out of the bathroom holding one of your razors, you walked up to him and asked him what he was doing he stayed silent and placed the razor in your hand and said:

"(Y/N) do it to me as much as you'd do it to yourself, I love you so much and I want to feel the pain that you've been through, you shouldn't of been through, just put it on my arms and do it, I don't care, anything you do, I do ok? I want you to know I'm always here for you and I won't EVER leave you because of a few marks ok? It's in the past and we can face whatever the future throws at us, together" the amount of emotion and pain strained in his voice through that speech made you feel like the whole world had stopped and it was only you and him and nobody and nothing else existed.

"I... I... I can't do that" you told him. You walked in the bathroom, put the razor down and now you understood. You walked back out of the bathroom and went back into the hallway, you went over to Jack and he pulled you into a tight, warm hug then he grabbed your face, ever so gently, like if he touched you any harder, you'd shatter and disappear and he kissed you, it was only a quick peck but it showed everything that needed to be said without saying so much as a word...

He pulled away then he whispered in your ear "let me see babe, I won't judge, i want to see how beautiful your 'flaws' as you call them, make you" his breath down your neck, causing you to shudder. You just nodded and went into your room to put some shorts on and then he walked into your room after you told him you were ready and with shorts on, your scars were easy to see, if pointed out. You showed him and went to go out jeans back on to cover them up.

"Where are you going" he asked.

"Going to put some jeans on, they're not exactly a perfect painting are they, you don't want to look at them and neither do I" you stated.

"I told you, your beautiful and they are a part of you which makes them beautiful too, I love you no matter what, you should know that by now" he explains with a sweet smile on his face.

You shrugged him off and tried to leave the room but he stopped you and laid you down on your bed. You were about to question what he was doing, when he started to kiss your thighs and kissed every single one of your scars.

"I love you (Y/N)" he smirked.

"I love you too Jack" you smiled and leaned I'm to kiss him, embracing in a long but slow, passionate kiss.


A/N: so I started crying when I was writing this, it's emotional because I can sort of relate to it... But anyway hope you like it, took me an hour to write it. Remember to request imagines or just give me ideas, just message me or comment, you can find the form in the Description

And OMG new song , I wonder what it'll be, what do you think? Sooo sooo sooo excited and joseph SNAPCHATTED me earlier

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