Chapter 3

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Teddy's POV

"Do I look handsome?"I asked Pete, and waiting for an answer." You look pretty hot, if I was gay, I'd tap that ass."We laugh together for a good minute."Let's go. "Pete says.

"You must be the new neighbours, am I right?"I said, shooting a smile to the girls."Yeah, we're kinda new to this neighbourhood." One of the blondes says."I'm Teddy Sanders, and this is my friend Pete, and you beautiful ladies are?"I ask politely. Using my charming tone and flirty way to use my words.

"I'm Zoe."Blonde hair, thick eyebrows and blue eyes, kinda skinny I may add.Not my type.I shot her a smile.

"Aubrey and Mandy.''Hmm, twins that may be useful in the future.One of them brunette and one of them blonde.Cool.And onto the next one.

"Angie."The one who was smoking today.Damn those greened-blued eyes.I really don't understand them.But they were magnificent. Black hair.Beautiful curves and everything else.I'm so attracted at her right now.

"Nice name."I say and shot her a wink. Hopefully she's single.Nah I don't have to worry about that.I could get any girl.

"Do you girls mind loud music?"Pete asks out of nowhere. "Well, actually, yes we do,because it's the last season of high school, and we are in a lot of pressure basically."Zoe told us.Angie, the twins stare death at her."What?"She asks."You are such a fucking nerd."Angie muttered under her breath."Well, I'm sorry for being honest then?"Zoe whispers and sarcasm spits off out of her mouth.

"Yeah, anyways guys.We gotta get going.Bye."One of the twins says.''Okay, hmm, bye."I spoke."Byee!"Pete greets them bye.

This was on hell of a day.

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