Chapter 10

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Angie's POV

Everything is going downhill with my friendship with Zoe.It's like we never talk like we used to.So the thing is that we've met in 6th grade.We were both 11-12 years old.We had so much in commons, and we shared our numbers with each-other, and we talked a lot.Like a lot.Then I presented her to Aubrey and Mandy, my cousins.We made a group on Whatsapp, and talked for night.One day, we felt like, we were falling apart.We didn't text anymore with hearts or something.Maybe because, it was my fault, I felt like dying, I even got my razors ready.She doesn't know nothing yet, I hope she doesn't read my diary."Diary?"Yup, diary.I may be 20 and over but I don't really care.When I was a little kiddo, I used to wish, that me and her would live in a big mansion, with Benjamin, and me with my ex-boyfriend James.He was basically my crush in the past.I hope she knows that I love her so much.Even though we go through little conflicts, and we fighted, I still love her so much.She saved my life.And I cant thank her enough for doing that to me . She's the only person that understands me.I hope we be besties forever.

One time I missed her birthday, and I was having a panic attack. Like I wasn't able to breath.I feel really bad.Like bad.

"Ang?"I hear a voice.It was Aubreys.She always calls me that so yeap.Drying my tears, and answering. "Yeah?"

"What's wrong?"She asks."Nothing."I lie."Remember that time you were crying because you and Zoe weren't talking like you used to?I know what's been happening too, y'know? I'm not that stupid."The thing is that Aubrey knew, everything.I've cried once in the summer of July, I remember that day, because me and Zoe had an argument...She thought no one cared for her.But we all care for her.She doesn't understand, that we care, especially me, for her.She's the little precious diamond of our group."Yeah, I do."

Author's Note

Hi guys, I know this chapter isn't good.It was a filler chapter and a dedicated one.My Zoe, and me are not in good circumstances. And I dedicate this to her...

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