•Chapter 5•

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Yesterday was a wonderful day with Juvia. Im really starting to like Juvia she is nice, gentle, caring, pretty, talented and more! She is wonderful. "Gray-sama I think I should cook something instead of you waisting money on fast food!!" Juvia said as she pouted. "Aww~ Juvia come on I don't want you to destroy your precious hands for me~" I said as she giggled. I pinched her checks and she smiled. When we where walking I saw a store that I liked. "Juvia you want to go to that store?" I asked as her eyes sparkled and nodded. We went inside the store and she looked at everything but I looked at one thing. I found a beautiful braclet that says your name and the other one said others. I told the caisher to put Juvia & Gray. He wrote the name down and gave me them as I payed for it. Juvia got a neckless and one for me and I just smiled. She bought what she got and when she left to see other stuff I told him to put it in a small box. I paid and went outside. I went out and she followed. We went out to eat and we where going to the park intil we bumped into Lucy and Natsu. What a slut they are. Juvia a glared at both of them and I ingnored them as I hugged Juvia and we went our way. We where alone now in a beautiful view of the city when I took out the box. "Here Juvia." I said as I opened the box for her. She gasped and hugged me and she began to cry. She got the braclet and read what it said. "I LOVE YOU GRAY!!" She said as she hugged me again and I laughed. I put on the braclet for her and I put mines on. She kissed me and I kissed her back. We where happy. "What!! The!! Hell!!" Natsu said as he came towards us. "You really don't love me anymore Gray!!" He said as he puffed. "Gray doesn't love you anymore Natsu he loves me!!" Juvia said as she glared at him. "Juvia is right I love her and you where a mistake Natsu!!" I said as I turned around to see the sunset. "You.. YOU!!! I love you Gray and you pay me like this!!" He said as his eyes got watery. I got weak and began to tremble. "Gray-sama." Juvia looked at me sad. "You can go with him.." she said as she looked down. "No!" I said as she looked up. "Im not falling for it Natsu!!" I said as I hugged Juvia and she began to cry on me. I picked up her chin and kissed her forehead. She blushed and I smiled. "Bye Natsu." Me and Juvia left the building and I smiled at her. "I won't leave you for him Juvia I gave him to many chances. I love you now Juvia." She blushed and said "I always loved you Gray-sama~" she said and she kissed mu check. I blushed and asked her if she wanted coffe and she nodded. We went to starbuks and she got a vinilla beam and I got the strawberry acai. We where talking for hours and we just kept falling in love. We finished our drinks and went back home. She smiled and was about to leave when I stopped her. "You can stay here tonight its getting late." I said and she nodded. I showed her my bedroom and she smiled while looking around. I took off my shirt and she blushed. "Hehe don't worry Im just gonna change from clothes." I said as I laughed. She nodded her head very fast as I changed. I took off the blankets and told her to come. She started to walk over and go on top of the bed. I laughed and kissed her check and said goodnight. She smiled and fell asleep. I think that we can keep this secret between us this time.

Thanks for reading Im make a chapter real soon and hope you all enjoyed this chapter!! Stay toon on 'The Secret Between Us'! Byyyyeeee~




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