•Chapter 19• Last chapter

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I change my mind...



Years  past many and many..

Juvia gave birth two a baby boy, he looked like his dad and had the power of his dad and his mother.

"Storm!!" Juvia calles out. "Yes mom!" A 18 year old boy responded

"Can you give this to Lucy and Natsu dear?"

"Sure!" He came down stairs and got a basket that said 'Happy Birthday Nashi!'

He opened the door and said goodbye to his parents and went out.


I walked where Nashi lives and smiled..

Today is the day Im going to confess my feelings for Nashi! The only problem is her dad..

He is very over protective but that won't stop me!

I arrived to Nashi's house and knocked on the door. The door opened and it was her dad.

"What are  you doing here Storm?" Lucy came and pushed Natsu out of the way.

"Oh my mom wanted me to give this to Nashi.. She would've done it but she was very busy." I finished saying.

"What about your dad?" Natsu crossed his arms.

"He went to work." Lucy smiled and let me come in.

"Nashi is in her bedroom why don't you go." She put the basket on the table.

I nodded and went up stairs and felt someone stare at me while going to her bedroom.

I knocked on the door and waited. "Come in!" Nashi yelled out.

I took a deep breathe and opened the door. "STORM!" She gave me a hug and smiled.

"Hey Nashi! Happy Birthday!" I hugged her back and she giggled.

"Whats so funny?" I asked. "Nothing.." she stopped and turned around.

"Oh yeah.. um Nashi..?" I was so confused right now.

She answered with a humm and I took another deep breathe.

"Okay here goes nothing.. Nashi I like you.. since the day I met you I had feelings for you.. but I was scared to tell you cause I thought you would reject me but I has the guts to tell you.." Her mouth was a ajar.

I knew I would screw up..

"Im sorry Nashi its just-" I was cut off by a pair of soft lips on mine.


I stood still for a little while but then I kissed her back.

The kiss was passonite and soft. I didn't want it to end intil..

"What The HELL!" I heard Nashi's dad yell from the doorway.

We seperated quickly and panicked.. well I panicked to much..

"Hes going to kill me! Wait I cant die! Im to young! Wait my parents are going to know! Fuck Fuck FU-"

"Calm down Storm." Nashi smiled at me. I took a deep breathe and nodded.

"Yeah StOrm calm DoWn." I felt a hang on my shoulder which tightened.

I gulped I was about to say something when the door bell rang.

"Oh hey Gra-" He went inside like nothing and saw where I was. "Uhuh Im not going to let you hurt my sonn!" He came up to Nashi's bedroom.

Natsu let go of me and looked at Gray. "Tsk.. your son kissed my daughter!" He yelled.

"Oh really why don't you ask your daughter who was the one the kissed first you flamebrain!" He had a smirk on his face.

Was he following me.. Well thank all the lords he did!

"Sure. Nashi he kissed you first right?" He asked still looking at my dad.

"No father. I kissed him first.. because I love him." She hold my hand and we interwind our fingers.

Natsu sighed and glared and Gray but let it pass because he wanted to see his daughter happy so he left the room.

Gray turned to face me and Nashi and smiled before closing the door.

"Guess we don't have to keep it a secret anymore." She giggled and pecked my lips and smiled.



Took me a long time to do this! Im so happy I finished the book! I started an other one called 'Me myself and I' that I've been focusing more..

Thanks for reading my book I really apprecaite it! >~<

From the writer,


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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2018 ⏰

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