•Chapter 18•

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Next chapter Ima end the story..


Ima bout to enter school! Ima focus on school more and Im busy and tired all the time when I enter school..


Its been two days and Juvia or Wendy haven't visit me..

I got released and went straight home. I didn't want to go to the guild today there is just going to be to much.. questions.

I opened the door and looked to see no one. There all probably at the guild..

At the guild..

No ones POV

They where all decorating the guild to welcome Gray..

He was going to get released today and they where all in a rush..

They finally finished and waited for Gray to come inside the guild so they can jump out and suprise him.

Minutes past..

Hours past..

And no Gray..

They all got out of there hiding spots and left.. leaving Juvia there by herself still waiting for Gray.

"Is he.. mad?" She didn't knew why he didn't come so she got her phone and her keys..

She saw text messages from Gray..

Gray: Im not going to the guild today.. Im just tired..

Gray: Please don't do anything.. I just don't want to..

Gray: Never mind..

Juvia read what time it was sent and it was sent since the moring..

She was so busy she didn't even touch her phone at all..

"Oh Gray.. Im so dumb.." She left and made her way to where they live..

Back a the house..


They probably did something stupid like welcome me..

I told her not to and she doesn't even read it til now..

I sighed and sat at the bed. I began to lay down and the bed and turn to my left side..

Thats when I heard the door open..

I didn't even turn around to see who it was for all I care it can be a robber or Lyon..

"Gray..sama.." Juvia called out. I closed my eyes and pretended to be asleep.

"Im sorry.. I should have visit you. If I did I would of told the guild that you where gonna go home because you where tired.." She placed her keys next to the small table, next to the bed.

She got undressed and changed to her night gown and layed next to me..

"You should've visited me so I would have told you.. but now its to late.." I closed my eyes.

She sighed and looked at me. "I should've..

But I didn't and now I regret it.." she got up and went to the kitchen..

She came back and gave me something that looked like a pregnacy test..


Im pregant.."


Omg!! She is fucking pregant!?! Im sorry i wanted to make it dramatic!

The next chapter Ima make it how the time past and all the ships that I ship become happy and all..

You know since its the last chapter.


Im sorry.

Anyways thank you for reading this chapter!



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