•Chapter 6•

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This is going to be a short chapter and I think I should change it to Gratsu again because it started like that...
Sorry for the people who like Gruvia..


I don't know what happened but one of the guild members told me that Natsu was in a coma from a mission that he went on. I don't know why but I went running over to the hospital and asked to see Natsu. She said in an hour and I got very nervous. 'Its weird why do I care.. do I still like him..' I saw the nurse come and I went running over where she was at. She told me I can go in now. She told me what room he was in and I found it quicker than I thought.. I went inside and saw Natsu awake. He turned to see me and I was quiet. "Gray.. why did you come.." he said as his eyes got watery. "I- i got informed that you where in here so I came to see if you where okay." I said as I sat down. "I i need you to promise me something!!" He said as he began to cry. "W-what is it.." i said as I got up. "P-promise me you will not leave me!!" He said as the thing got louder. "N-natsu stop!!" I said. "PROMISE ME!!" He said while it went more loud. "I promise!!" I said as I hugged him. He kept crying but then it got more lower. I sighed and smiled. 'I don't know what im doing..' i said as he stopped.

A while Natsu fell asleep and I went home and kicked Juvia out.. Im.. I didn't want to hurt her... i did love her.... but I promised Natsu..


How was that!!! Some of you guys love Gratsu more!! So do I but I wanted to make it more longer!! Thank youuu @naluismyobsession for voting on my story!! I will make the next chapter soon as possible!! Thanks for reading this chapter!!



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