The long walk

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   Rainbow had fell the ground first with a throbbing feeling in his head. "Agh my head well body technically geeze what did you do" Rainbow had said before he heard a loud hiss and a thud. He couldn't move anything so he started doing one of the things he and most other cores did best, talk. "Umm hello" there was a stirring and a groan before there was a reply. "R-Rainbow is that you" said the thing. "Umm yeah whose this" Rainbow replied and the thing chuckled. "Rainbow it's me Virgil" Rainbow seemed confused but he played along with it. "Oh right hey are you alrig-agh" Rainbow had built up enough muscle to move his head. He let his eyes adjust to the darkness and once he realized what he was looking at he was startled to see that Virgil was "y-your HUMAN!?!" Rainbow screamed and shot up and had looked down at himself. " I'M HUMAN!!!" Rainbow started shaking madly trying to make sense of what had just happened, while Virgil was freaking out looking around trying to think of something to stop this maddnes. It had taken a couple of minutes for Rainbow and Virgil to calm themselves down. "Hey wait were is Mel" Virgil had asked. "Were's who" Rainbow asked truly confused. "Mel she was the one who caught you" Virgil said. "Oh so that's her name" Rainbow said now understanding that that was the human he had also flirted with a long time ago. "We need to find her" Virgil said trying to get up he failed and fell landing into Rainbows lap. Rainbow chuckled looking down at him. "Well guess they are going to be hard to get used to" rainbow laughed. Virgil chuckled nervously getting off him and then he noticed Mel's boots and froze. Rainbow had finished laughing and noticed the look on virgil's face. "What's wrong" Rainbow said looking over at were Virgil was pointing.

   Mel groaned her head hurt and she wanted to sleep but she was being shaken awake by someone. "MEL MEL" Mel opened her eyes, quickly adjusting to the dark room and was startled to see 2 people she didn't recognize. One had short brownish red hair and wore a golden yellow undershirt with a orange flowered vest and redish-brown jeans. The other had blond hair with the tips dyed like a rainbow and he wore a simple white collared shirt and a rainbow bow tie. Virgil recognized her look of shock instantly. "Mel it's me Virgil and Rainbow" Mel looked at them obviously confused. "But how" she spoke in a low quiet beautiful voice. "Well it was prob-... wait YOU CAN SPEAK" Virgil was taken aback by this. "Kinda it's very hard though I've been practicing but..." Mel spoke softly. "Wow really I mean then I wasn't completely wrong then" Virgil chuckled. Mel nodded in agreement.

   The power clicked back on blinding them all and once again the voice on the speaker was back to taunting them. "Oh look your still alive and you turned the metal balls into a mess of limbs, great job" Mel sighed brushing off the rude complement and got up. She looked around and noticed a companion cube with blood on it's edge lying fairly close by. She gently touched the wound on her head, she flinched back and looked at her hand witch now had blood on it. "I thought they couldn't harm you" Virgil said worried. "come on I want to get out of here" Mel spoke softly brushing off the disturbing thought. Mel looked around for any chance of excape and there it sat blowing in a cool breeze "the air vent".

   There was a loud creaking sound as Mel pried the cover off the air vent. "Come on" Mel said softly. "wait Mel we have only been in our bodies for a short while and we can't walk that well or well much at all" Virgil said trying to get up and obviously failing. "We don't have time for this" Mel muttered and walked over to Virgil and Rainbow. She tried helping them up underestimating their weight at first, but after many tries they eventually made it up and to the air vent. Mel climbed in first and motioned for then to follow and they did obediently. It seemed easier to get around on all fours but still not being used to limbs Virgil and Rainbow took many breaks. They were climbing in the air vent when Mel suddenly stopped. "What is it" Virgil asked. Mel ignored him and carefully crawled a bit more she was about to motion to them to continue, but was cut off by a loud creak and all of a sudden the air vent broke.

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