The introduction

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    Rainbow was sitting in a small cubicle drawing a picture of some machine wich looked strangely familiar. Rainbow didn't really like calling his little space a cubicle he preferred to call it a office, it made it feel bigger and a bit more official. He sighed and glanced over to the empty cubicle next to his and went back to drawing. Peacful. Quiet. In some cases to quiet, only the sound of a drawing pencil sliding back and forth on smooth paper or people taping on their keyboards or writing a quick note. Enslaved to their work.

   A few minutes passed by before he was interrupted by a man in a black suit and tie. "What do you have for us today bow" the man asked. Rainbow had jumped startled by the man's sudden appearance. "Oh hello Mr...uhh..." Rainbow stuttered trying to remember his name. "You forgot my name again didn't you" said the man calmly. "Heh y-yeah I did" Rainbow said embarrassed by how he couldn't even remember the managers name. "Geeze bow this is the 5th time now it is Mr. Myers remember" the man said with a sigh. "Oh right here how about I write it down" Rainbow said pulling out a small piece of paper. "Wait how would you spell it" Rainbow said looking up at him. "M-y-e-r-s" Myers sighed.

    "Alright so you were asking me about what I got right" Rainbow asked. "Yes bow" Mr. Myers sighed again starting to get annoyed. "Well I got a machine idea I know it's out of my area but-" Rainbow was cut off by Mr. Myers harsh tone."No bow we can't accept this remember your with the robot design group not the machine design group" Mr. Myers sighed before continuing. "Anyways I didn't come just to check on your work I came to introduce you to your new cubicle partner" Rainbow perked up almost completely forgot about Mr. Myers scolding. "N-New NEW PARTNER" Rainbow said a bit louder then he expected. "Calm down geeze" Mr. Myers scolded. Rainbow did what he said and calmed himself down. "Good OK now Rainbow meet Virgil".

    A younger obviously more skittish and shy man peered at Rainbow from behind Mr. Myers. "H-hello" Virgil said shyly. "Hello I'm bow it's nice to meet you" Rainbow said kindly giving him a warm smile. "It's nice to meet you too, bow I'm Virgil like Mr. Myers said" Virgil said starting to calm down and warm up to Rainbow. "Yeah I heard so what field are you in" Rainbow asked. "I'm a mechanic" Virgil said before he was cut of. "Yes and and speaking of job fields that's exactly why I'm introducing you to each other. If all goes well you two could get your own office and be a power team and if your lucky a raise. It is one of cave Johnsons ideas and lucky enough you two were chosen to take part in it. So get used to each other and remember your in the robotics field and bow my name is Mr. myers in case you forgot again" Mr. myers explained. "Oh no worries I didn't forget I have it written down now so we're all good" Rainbow said quickly. "Good I'll leave you two alone so you can get to know each other, but as soon as your done get back to work alright" Mr. Myers said walking off not even giving them a chance to respond.

    The room started fading to white leaving only Mr. Myers walking farther into nothingness until eventually he had faded away as well. Rainbow woke up blinking in the bright sunlight. He looked over at the couch were Virgil was sleeping the night before only to find he wasn't there. Rainbow gave a loud yawn and got up to go look for him. He had apparently forgotten how to walk and fell to the floor  hitting the edge of the coffee table on the way down. He gave out a small yelp in pain. Within the couple of hours he had spent sleeping he had some how forgoten how the flimsy limbs had worked. "Hey is everything ok in there" Mel said from a nearby room. "I'm fine I think" Rainbow said still grumbling from his fall. "Alright it's good to know your at least up" Mel said before she started yelling at someone else. "LEAVE THAT ALONE THIS IT THE THIRD TIME" Mel screamed. Rainbow got up wanting to investigate who or what Mel was yelling at. He used anything he could to walk for the most part the couch work. He put his weight into the edge of it and limped over next to the other room.

Rainbow peered into the room. The room was small filled up with many things like the big wooden boxes that were screwed into the wall wich Rainbow remembered them being called cabinets. In one corner of the room a big metal humming door he remembered as being called a bathtub as far as he could remember. He suddenly realized this was probably the kitchen wich as he remembered was a place that humans stood to prepare something he didn't quite remember. And there in the center of it all stood Mel glaring over at the ever so curious Virgil who was grinning sheepishly at her. Rainbow noticed that Virgil was holding some sort of long metal stick with a wide flat top that was bent at a strange angle. Mel took the thing out of Virgil's hands and put it back in a small thing that looked like a mini filing cabinet. "Leave my stuff alone" Mel growled. "Hey rainbow you OK, why are you leaning on the couch" Virgil said noticing him and trying to change the subject at the same time. "I can't use my legs anymore they are malfunctioning" Rainbow said. "Virgil go help Rainbow and stay out of my kitchen" Mel growled and with that she turned back to what she was doing leaving them to figure things out for themselves.

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