Not a chapter just to let you know ;3

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   OK OK now I don't really do this because, we'll I don't like interupting the story so this may only be a one time note from you author. There is some things I REALLY REALLY need to tell you all OK first off I want to thank you ALL SO SO SOOOOOOOO MUCH THANK YOU ALL FOR ALL YOUR PATIENCE WITH MY VERY SLOW UPDATES THANK UUUUUUUUUUU *hugs*. Second thing please PLEASE read my notification book it's has all the updates for this, basically it's all the little side notes like this. Oh speaking of books I made a meet the characters book for you all. I know I know you already know the characters but hey its just a fun little interactive for you guys you can ask then questions, dares, (cuz why the he'll not) comments, or anything that comes to you mind so yeah that's all and Again thank you all SO SO MUCH and I hope to see you all later - spark~e

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 03, 2018 ⏰

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