The Past

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*YouTube video by 90sstarr*
The morning after I got that text I started thinking about what the book could possibly be mom never kept any photo albums or any journals that I knew of then I thought about it... "Maybe a book at Grandma's?" I asked myself I grabbed a cup of coffee and looked at Fp "I'm going to Grandma's house I'll see you later dad" I said and walked out the door I saw Jughead arguing with someone as I walked to my car whatever it was they were heated about it then I noticed that he was arguing with Betty I walked over and tapped Jughead on the shoulder "Hey what's going on here? Calm down" I said as Jughead looked at me but something didn't seem right he didn't seem himself "Look whatever happened let's talk about it later okay? Jughead just come with me to my grandma's house" I said and pulled him to the car "Bye Betty!" I yelled as I got in the car with Jug "Don't talk to her" he said looking at the floor boards "Why? What happened?" I asked him and drove off "Nothing I don't wanna talk about it" he said "Jughead look I'm your sister you can talk to me" I said "Maybe later y/n" he said I glanced over and saw his eyes were glassed over had he been crying? I looked back at the road and a few minutes later we were at my Grandma's house I got out of the car and so did Jughead we walked up to the door and knocked on it "isn't it gonna be akaward?" Jughead asked standing behind me "what do you mean?" I asked looking at him confused "Me meeting your grandma like...does she even know I'm your brother?" He asked "probably but she's your grandma too I know we have different mom's but we're still family and grandma would never deny another grandchild" I laughed he slightly smiled "Alright" he said and Grandma opened the door "hi Grandma" I said and hugged her "Hi sweetie what brings you here today?" She asked as she hugged back "we were wondering if you had any of mom's old journals" I said "oh yes come in come in" she said and Jughead and I walked inside "Jughead you explain to Grandma how youre my brother while I go look for books" I said and walked upstairs to my mom's old room *Jugheads P.O.V.*  I explained to Grandma how I was Y/n's brother she just smiled "Oh yes I always knew she was a Jones and now I have another grandbaby I'll never deny family" she said and sat at the table I sat across from her "so... grandma have you ever been cheated on?" I asked her "actually yes why do you ask?" She asked looking up at me "well...there's a girl I'm dating and she cheated on me but I love her" I said looking down at the table *Your P.O.V.* I walked downstairs and stopped in my tracks "Betty cheated on you?!?" I asked/yelled shocked Jughead jumped "uh um no anyway not important did you find the books?" He asked "It is important but yes I found them, Grandma do you mind if I borrow these I'll bring them back" I said as she stood up "yes of course dear it's no problem" she said and hugged me "you go on outside I wanna have a word with your brother" she said "Okay bye grandma see you soon love you" I said as I went to the car *Jughead's P.O.V.* "now Jughead about that girl that cheated on you well if you wanna stay with her that your choice but talk to y/n about it she may seem like all she'll do is kill the girl but she'll listen to you and it's better to tell someone" She said as she hugged me "Okay I will" I said and hugged back I went outside and got in y/n's car *Your P.O.V.* Jughead got in the car and I started it "who'd she cheat on you with?" I asked looking at him he hesitated at first but looked at me "Either Archie or Reggie I don't know which one maybe both" He said my eyes widened "okay Archie I'd expect but Reggie? Gross" I said and drove back home "Look Jug I know you love Betty but who says she won't do it again? I don't know man it's your decision but just be careful" I said and got out "I will thanks y/n" he said and walked in the house I sat outside and read my mom's old journals the pages said 'dear diary, today I took a walk with Fp to school he may go to jail sometimes but honestly he's not that bad he protects me and I feel safe with him he asked me if I wanted to be a serpent and honestly I do but the way girls get in...I don't know if I could do that' the page ended there "Cringe much mom?" I laughed reading my mom's highschool diary was really weird but kinda cool at the same time I read a few pages and got to one that caught my interest it read 'dear diary, I did it! I did the serpent dance and I'm a serpent now! I'm so excited I even have the tattoo but I've been feeling weird lately and I think...I'm pregnant my mom's going to kill me especially if it's Hiram Lodge's I've really messed up now' "wow mom was a hoe" I joked I turned a few pages and saw the ones where my brother had been born skip a year or two and then there's my page "let's see what mom has to say about me" I said and read the page it read 'dear diary, I was with Fp last night and my mom baby sat Chris Fp and I had a wonderful night and I stayed at his place but nothing happened I've been feeling sick lately and I think I might be pregnant again I know this one isn't Hiram's I stay away from him now he doesn't even wanna meet Chris which is probably a good thing but my mother is going to kill me I just hope this one isn't as crazy as Chris' "well little did she know that one would be even crazier" I heard Sweet Pea's voice say I jumped a bit and looked at him "you scared me!" I joked and hit his arm playfully "sorry princess how's the mission thing been going?" He asked and kissed my cheek "Well this is task 2 outta 6 so you tell me" I said and shut the book I got a text and looked at my phone again from the same number 'task number 3, go to the address in the last page of the book' "okay these messages are getting creepier and creepier Everytime how did this person even know I was reading the book?" I asked "don't know but there's no way you're going there alone" Sweet Pea said and sat beside me "Alright fine you can go with me but I'm going tonight so Fp doesn't freak" I said and got ready Sweet Pea got in the car with me and we drove off
To be continued

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