Into his world

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I felt my breath hitch in my throat, my hand dropped from my side and I starred, I'm not sure if it was from amazement or fear but I couldn't take my eyes off of him. He called me little lamb, a nickname my mother gave me when I was younger, he has done his research. The storm raged on and we began to talk,
"Doctor," I nodded "you've done some digging haven't you?"
He smiled, "you'll have to forgive me Lyla, when I was told a strange girl began to take an interest in my work I got curious as to who exactly the strange little girl was. Your mother called you little lamb when you were younger, a comforting name to hear correct?" He paused a moment "You would think so, but you've not been having the sweetest of dreams about your mommy dearest as of late. Why do you think that is Lyla?"
I squinted my eyes at him
"I'm not sure Doctor, that is why I came to you. You seem to know others more than they know themselves, even upon first meeting."
"I take interest in interesting people, most of the people you see are simple minded and easy to read, you don't have to be an genius to understand the inner workings of a moron. You on the other hand Lyla are much more interesting than the every day joe. You came here, to speak with me, knowing the things you do and about the actions I have made."
"I know of your crimes Dr. Lecter but I also know of your past. I know of the war, those men, and what happened to your sister." I said taking a couple steps towards his glass cell. He cocked his head to the side, "I can tell I'm not the only one who did their research." I smiled and my tone changed to an oddly flirty one "I like to be well informed on the men I speak with, especially one as dangerous as you." I was now directly in front of the glass, Hannibal took two steps and we were as close as we could be with the glass between us. My body burned and my heart began to race, his eyes poured into me and I felt a deep ache come from somewhere inside me. A loud crash of thunder shook the building, the lights flickered and then completely turned off. A dim light came through the window and I could barely see Hannibal's eyes, "it's time for you to go little lamb" and he moved out of the light and into the darkness. Lewis walked up to me and grabbed my arm lightly, "ma'am" he gestured towards the door. "Another time, Doctor Lecter"

We sat in a shabby dinner in the middle of town, I looked out the window at the people passing as they used anything to cover themselves from the rain. I stirred my coffee and listened to the soothing sound of my tiny spoon scrapping against the chipped glass mug. "Ma'am, may I ask how meeting him was?" I pulled my eyes away from the window and looked at Lewis, "it was.....interesting. I felt like he knew so much about me and he didn't even need to prove it. I would like to go back tomorrow, and the next day until I decide I want to stop." Lewis nodded, pulled his phone out and began to type. Not even five minutes later he looked up from his phone "it's done ma'am, you're on his visitor list and are welcome to see him at any time you would like." I smiled, "thank you Lewis". Our food arrived and we dug in before heading home.

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