My paci prince cg/l mxb

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~Daddy's POV~

I type away on my laptop listening to my little prince as he sings along with The Lion King. He is just so cute. Ignoring everything around me, I get back to work. I keep on working until I look down and see my little boy in my lap.
"Gimme my paci daddy" he commands.
Sighing I get up and retrieve it for my baby. Man am I whipped or what. When I sit back down on the couch he cuddles up to me. I get back to work and smile when he hums along to the movie.
Later that night as we go to bed, take a guess as to what he asks for. Another paci. Once I get it I turn of all the lights and get into bed with him.
"I love you, my paci prince" I say
"I love you daddy"he replies before I hear soft snores...

Hey guys, this is another chapter added. This time written by Fun3336  Go leave them a follow, and I hope you enjoyed!!!

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