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She sat up in her bed, looking around, taking in her surroundings. Everything was where she left it. Nothing weird or strange. A knock at the door makes her snap her head in the direction, letting out a soft come in. Her eyes widened in surprise when her father walked through the door.

"Hey, Baby. I made breakfast if you're hungry." He said walking over to sit on the foot of her bed.

"What are you doing here, Dad?" She asked, confusion laced in her voice.

"The real question is, why are you here, Baby?" He said looking at her curiously.

"What do you mean? Dad, where am i exactly?" She asked, moving to sit next to him. He took her hand in his, though she didn't really feel it, which cause concern to course through her.

"After what happened to you, you lost a lot of blood."

Elle looked at him with sad and panicked eyes and he returned her look with a smile.

"Am i dead? No, i can't be dead." She stood up quickly walking out of the room, down the stairs and into the dining room. All of her favorites were sitting on the table, three places set.

"Dad, there's only two of us. Why are there three places?"

"For me, dear. You didn't think it was just your father now, did you?" Her mother appeared carrying another plate piled high with chocolate chip waffles and sat them on the table before opening her arms for Elle to hug her. Elle didn't hesitate, pulling her mother in tightly feeling nothing but air. She jumped away from her. Putting her hand out, she tried to touch her arm, but nothing. Elle felt nothing.

"Sit, sit before everything gets cold." the three sat around the table, digging into the food. Elle took a bite of cheesy eggs, frowning in disappointment when she couldn't taste anything. It felt like she was shoveling air into her mouth. She sat her fork back down, looking as her parents devoured their plates.

"What's wrong, honey?" Her mom asked.

"I can't taste anything. This isn't real." She whispered, "Am i dreaming?"

"I told you, Baby. You lost a lot of blood." Her dad said reaching over to grab her hand. She felt nothing though she can see his hand on top of hers. She snatched her hand away looking at her parents with tears in her eyes. She was confused and scared and she didn't know what was happening. All she knew was that she needed to get back. To Sweet Pea, to Johnny and Tessa and Toni and Fangs. Everyone. They were waiting for her.

"This isn't real." She said louder, "i love and miss you both. I really do, but this isn't real. You're not real. I need to get back to them. How do i get back?" She rushed out pushing her seat back and standing up from the table.

"I need to get back now. I can't leave them."

"Leave who, Baby?" Her mom asked, cocking her head to the side looking at Elle as if she had two heads.

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