Chapter 2 | The Memory Flood

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I grimaced as the blazing sun kissed me awake. Begrudgingly, I rolled out of bed and went to prepare a bath. As the water flowed out into the tub I let it splatter in my hands. With the tub full, I slid in and sighed. After undergoing the painstaking job of unloading all our moving boxes the other day, I really needed this. Thankfully school didn't start for another two days, so I could relax and get used to living in Iwatobi again. The awareness of time drifted away from my thoughts, as they were consumed by questions of what life would be like now. Who will I meet, will I make friends, what new memories can I make in this place? I asked myself. The time only became clear when I heard my aunt screech "Get out of the bath!!!!!!!!" As always, I spent a large span of time in the tub. Sometimes this made me wonder whether water really made me as afraid as a mouse. It was always proven though, as I had attempted to swim several years ago and failed miserably. Slowly, I stepped out of the tub and got ready for the day.

As I stumbled down the stairs I was greeted by the delectable aroma of bacon and eggs. I quickly rushed into the kitchen and saw my breakfast sitting on the table, practically begging me to eat it. I sat down and gave thanks to my aunt before diving in. "You should go on a walk around town. So you can rekindle any forgotten memories," she suggested sitting across from me. I pondered the thought as I wolfed down my breakfast. "Yea, that would be great!" I grinned. "Be careful, don't talk to anyone suspicious, I expect you home by 8:00 pm, and take this just in case," she told me, handing over $100. I sweat dropped at her protectiveness. I was a very responsible 16 year old that could handle herself. But, she had always been like this. She didn't have any children. So when I had come over to Tokyo she jumped at the chance to become a mother like figure for me. Nonetheless I still love her the way she is. "I will, don't worry!" I told her, rushing up the stairs to get dressed.

The fresh air soothed me as I walked through the streets of Iwatobi. Each corner I passed there was another jubilant memory awaiting me. I couldn't help but sigh in glee. "Y/N dear is that you!" a voice exclaimed. I looked over to see a familiar woman. "Mrs.Tamara!" I squealed rushing over. "Look at you, so young and beautiful. I remember when you were an itty bitty little child," she reminisced. After that statement I struck up a conversation with her. Once again time became irrelevant as my stroll down the street dragged on for hours. Eventually I found myself on the shore of the beach. I picked up the sand in my palms and watched as the grains drifted off into the ocean. My e/c eyes sparkled as I saw the sky laced with colors of pink, yellow, orange, and red. The ocean reflected the colors like a mirror and made for an even more extravagant display. I remembered when my parents took me here. I was too young to be out at this time, as my parents had said. But, for a birthday gift, they took all of us to the shore so we could witness the great feat of nature. A tear had found its way down my cheek at the memory. All the memories I made here were special and I was willing to make more.

After I was ready to go back home a strange feeling welled up inside my chest. Rapidly I turned around to see a young man staring at me. I yelped in fear and fell back at his sudden appearance as he too stepped back in surprise. It seemed as if he didn't expect me to turn around for quite some time. "H-Hi," I muttered brushing myself off. His red orbs locked with mine and a sign of recognition flashed in his eyes before he regained his cold disposition. "Do I know you?" I asked curiously. The young male whipped around and as his maroon hair swayed in the wind he replied coldly "No." With that statement he jogged away into the distance. Who was that, and why did he seem so familiar?

I quickly rushed home in the nick of time. "7:45," I sighed peering at my phone relieved that I wasn't late. My aunt was a bit nit-picky about her curfews. I walked into the house to be greeted by a bone crushing hug. "I was so worried! Why are you late!" my aunt yelled at me. I looked at the clock and sighed before walking over to it. "The clock is an hour late!" I exclaimed exasperated. She sweat dropped "Oh." I giggled "So how was you day?" I asked. "Great! And before I forget to tell you. I met these nice young men while at the store. I overheard from one of them that they went to the same school as you. So, I jumped at the opportunity to ask them to lead you to school on Monday!" she explained. "Oh, okay. Let me go make dinner while you get ready for bed," I told her. She huffed "That makes me sound like the child." "If you don't want to then....." I was interrupted as she walked up the stairs. I sighed and got dinner ready.

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