Chapter 4

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After the scene in the pool yoongi had to talk with his manager about idol stuff so I was left behind, in a club, and I didn't even know my way around.

I look around to see if there's anyone I know in the crowd, only then I realized the rest of BTS were there with their own dates.

I decide to get up and use the restroom leaving my towel behind

I see a sign pointing towards the restroom but it's on the other side of the club, and I have to pass by the old men staring at half naked women on poles

What disgusting old pigs

I decide to walk pass them and keep my head down and hope they won't see me pass by

But I wasn't that lucky

Someone grabbed my arm, but I didn't look at them I continued to keep my head down hoping they won't see my face

"Are you trying to ignore us? " He asked, my head might be turned but I can still smell the scent of liquor radiating from him

I started tugging trying to get my arm away, but it didn't work, he was the stronger one in this fight.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" He yelled but sadly it didn't grab anyone's attention in the loud club

His grip tightens as I continue to look away, but he really didn't like that...

"You know what how about we teach you a lesson on what happens when you ignore someones authority"

Those words echo in my head as I start to think of all the ways this could go wrong, this whole situation was scaring me so much I started shaking.

I don't care anymore, I turn around and use both hands to try and free the one stuck in this twisted mans grip. But he ended up dragging me into a room.

He forced me to do stuff I didn't ever want to do but he add his own twisted touch into it

After he left me alone in that room, I put my cloths back on, I wasn't going to sit in that room naked just in case some other guy found me

I kept cool

I reached for the door knob to leave after changing, but I hesitated

I didn't want to go back into the world and risk someone raping me... Again

I didn't want to face anyone every again, I take my hand away from the door and go and sit on the bed in the room and I just start crying, about everything



Wanting to die

I thought about death for a while

I walked in the bathroom to see if I could find rope or something sharp

I heard a knock on the door, it was locked so I didn't bother to say anything

I found a pair of scissors in one of the draws, that's all I needed

"Y/n? Are you in here?" It was yoongi, he just made me remember the words he said when we got inside 'I won't let anyone hurt you'

"Yeah" I yell back but I didn't plan on opening the door anytime soon "are you alright I haven't seen you for a while I got worried"

"No I'm not fine, you said you wouldn't let anything bad happen to me.. You failed" I yelled now in tears as I walk back into the bedroom

"What happened, Y/n open up"

"No it's to late for that, I don't ever want to face that cruel world again, and thanks to these scissors I won't have to" I said with a faint smile, happy that my life has finally come to an end.

I hold the scissors in front of me "Y/n, no don't please don't, please don't go I need you, you can't go" I hear yoongi

I push the scissors into my gut with as much force as possible

I fall to my knees and I see yoongi bust down the door, he runs to me and starts talking but I can't understand him, my vision was getting blurry and I felt really dizzy

I look up just in time to see a tear fall from Yoongis eye, before I passed out

~a few hours later~

I woke up to the sound of a beeping machine that I known to well

I turn over to see an awake yoongi walk towards me, I started crying as he came up and hugged me "why didn't you let me die " I yelled at him while punching his chest in anger "why couldn't you just let me leave this world behind? " I say letting my arms sink as I start crying more

He tightened the hug as he let me cry into his chest for the next 10 minutes

"I just want to die"

I said it, I finally said those words that I've kept inside for so long, there finally out, I try to cover it up but it's point less, everything hurts, I just want it to end already

"There's no need for that, I'm right here, you can tell me anything, I'll protect you I promise"

"Yeah remember the last time you said that, you didn't protect me, and it made me even more hurt"

"What happened?"

"H-he raped m-me" I stuttered "who?" He asked "I don't know"

~3 months later~

I wake up in my bed at home and I get up and get ready for my graduation that's today, I can't wait to be an adult.

Lately my cloths have been getting tighter around my waist a lot more, but I just brush it off as me eating a whole bag of chips every night while watching anime

I get ready to go and sneak out the window to go to school.

I walk to school peacefully, once I get there I finish the apple I was eating and throw it away

I walk to class and get to work on listening to the boring lessons but who cares it's my last day might as well deal with it.

~qfter classes~

I walk to the restroom and change into my blue gown and hat for the graduation, then I walk out side and sit in a chair for the students

About 20 minutes later it was my turn to go up

I walk up and grab what was given to me, I then walk back to my seat

A few minutes later every name was called and we could go home, there was an after party type thing but I'm not fond of party's

I go to the restroom an change into my sweater and shorts.

I get this sudden feeling like on going to puke so I lean over the toilet

I've had trouble keeping food down lately, it's not healthy

Once I'm done I get a text from yoongi.

Yoongi: hey congrats on graduating, let hand out and celebrate.
Me: sure, got any place in mind?
Yoongi: maybe you're favorite restaurant, my treat!
Me: okay, I'm down, I'll be there in 20

I then put my phone in my pocket and start walking to the restaurant

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