Chapter 9

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Little Y/n wakes up in the hospital 2 days later

She was eating her lunch that the hospital has supplied, when a social worker walked in to ask her a few questions

When she was done with the questions she left and little Y/n continued to watch TV and eat food, she would chat with the nurses that came in ever so often

The next day the social worker came back to take her to an orphanage to stay, when she arrived she didn't really like it, everyone had big tummys, and there's only women in this orphanage.

Little Y/n makes friends with a girl 3 years older then her, they never left each other's side, even though they just met they felt like sisters

~one year later~

One day after little Y/n ate her lunch she went to find her bestest friend Violet

Y/n walks into her best friends room and saw some naked man on top of her in the bed as tears stream down her face

This doesn't fell right

The 9 year old girl grabbed a towel and ran up to the boy and start hitting him, she pushed him off of her "stay away from my sister" She yelled, she continued to push the man out the door then she shut it in his face and locked the door

She gave the towel to her friend and she wraps herself in it, once she's done the 9 year old hugged her sister like friend "thanks" Violet said as she cuddled Y/n, all Y/n did was smile

As time went on she realized her friend was becoming like all the other girls, she got this bump attached to her belly, Y/n always thought she was getting fat and she was told that its rude to tell people there fat so she never brought it up

They were holding a birthday party for Y/n, she was finally 10

Her friend violet showed up and 10 minutes into the party she had to leave, she said she was in a lot of pain

The next day the boss lady came to Y/n's room to give her the bad news

"Violet has died, she died durring the time of giving birth"

Y/n didn't know what to say she was shocked her eyes were wide and there were tears already on her cheeks

First mom and dad, now violet

That night she found a rope in the shed out back, she walked back inside and tied a loop on the end of it just big enough for her head to fit through

She put the other end of the rope on a hook at the back of the door that they use for towels

She steps into a stool, then puts her head through the hole she made

She takes a deep breathe and then kicks the stool out from under her as she looks out the window finally happy her life will end

Her air has been stollen as she starts kicking the door, she locked the door so no one could get in.

As she is losing her sight she doesn't want to die anymore, she realizes, that violet wouldn't want this ending for her even though violet is dead, Y/n still carry around her memory even if they come in the form of nightmares

She tries to pull her head up and get air but she's not strong enough, and once she realizes that a tear rolls down her cheek as she realizes her parents would be so mad if they found out that this is the way she decided to die, but they'll understand. Right?

She continues to kick, she'd scream, but, she doesn't have much air

The images of her dead parents pick the wilting time to flash through her mind, the more tears she sheds the more she remembers, it's never the good memories though, there always bad memories

Some how the knot in the rope comes undone and she falls flat on the floor

She hits her head really hard on the hard floor, she gets up slightly, she look on the ground and see blood from where her head used to be, shes dizzy and her vision is failing but she doesn't think anything of it, she grabs the rope and throws it out the window and she watches it fall and hit the ground

She continues to stand at the window till she gets another dizzy spell, she tries to take a few steps back but I doesn't work, she's stuck, and her vision is fading, she doesn't like it, she scared and alone

She leans forward about fall out but she catches herself on the window sill

She tries to focus on the ground but one minute it's close and the next minute it's far away, it's hard to focus on the ground when it keeps doing that

Blood rolls down the side of her face then drips off the bottom of her chin and falls to its doom waiting for the little drop on the ground, this continues for a few minutes till she leans forward one more time, at the moment shes in a trance, she can't save her self now, she falls out the 2 story window

On her way down she's reminded of that time she jumped out of a building trying to save her mom and dad, she remembers the faces of the men who killed her parents, the same faces that haunt her dreams, and probably will continue to haunt her till the day she finally dies

She hits the ground with a load thud, she let a groan slip out as she lays on the grass in pain, it reminds her of the time she laid on that stupid side walk, she thought she was actually going to die this time.

She clings to the very little hope she has left.

She's scared once again


Hah 2 updates in one day <O/

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