Chapter 10

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She heard a kid run up to her, he starred down at her with his dark brown eyes as she lays almost lifeless on the ground.

"H-help" She manages to stutter out before the kid started yelling for his brother who seemed to be further away then the kid was.

She doesn't remember much after that, cause she passed out from a lung fracture and blood loss.. The poor girl almost lost her life again that day, it wasn't the first and it won't be the last...

~a few days later~

She woke up in the hospital, she was bruised and wrapped in more bandages then she could count.

There was a familiar beeping noise coming from the heart monitor near her bed

Her head started to hurt, she drank some water near her bed but it didn't help anything, everything still hurt.

She wanted it to stop

A nurse walked in to check on her vitals "are you feeling alright" The nurse asked her face was covered with concern "no my head is killing me" She replied "I will go and fetch you something to easy the pain" She said after finishing with her vitals

She came back in a few minutes with a pill, Y/n didn't know type of pill, the nurse just said it would help so she took it.

About 2 hours later Y/n started throwing up, and they said one of her organs ruptured, she was 10, she didn't know the organ they were talking about so she didn't remember

All she remembers is being rush into emergency surgery.

When she got out of surgery, her stomach hurt, it felt the same way it did when she woke up in the hospital the first time

It took 2 weeks for the pain to go away, the pain hurt so much durring those 2 weeks that it reminded her of how she got in the hospital in the first place

3 weeks after the event she was sent back to the hell whole

A few days after she got home they had a late welcome home party for Y/n

She was happy they noticed her return, there were very few men in the crowd but she felt all there eyes on her and she didn't like it

Later into the party, she saw one of the men forcing a woman to go up stairs, she was in tears, so Y/n followed them

She heard the man say something in a low whisper but Y/n still her what he said "you know the drill, you get pregnant, I get paid, they sell the baby's to someone who can't handle them. If you disagree, you get sold instead"

10 year old Y/n was shocked, she finally found out what was going on with her friend Violet, Violet had no choice, but she died in the end...

The next day Y/n learned about puberty in school, and found out stuff.

She started planning, a year after she started getting her monthly visitor she'd leave the orphanage behind

~4 years later~

In a few months she would be leaving this place, she was only 14 but she figured she could find some work somewhere

She walked into her room one evening and found a man standing in the middle, she knew what this meant, they knew she could have kids if the opportunity came, that scared her

"Can I help you?" She asked, he nodded then closed the door behind her and locked it.

She will never forget that ngiht.

~a month later~

She planned to leave tomorrow until she found out she was actually pregnant, she was happy and kinda sad at the same time, she was happy she was carry a life inside of her, but sad cause the baby wouldn't have a stable invierment to grow up in

She wouldn't kill it, nor give it up for adoption considering what has happened to her.

After that she tried to leave a day early, but I didn't work, they kept a close eye on her, they figured she was pregnant by the growing belly, and her laziness and complaining

Soon a couple can win to adopt, they said they wanted a teenager, they were able to adopt Y/n. And they knew she was pregnant

She went home with then the day after, when she got there everything was fine for the first month then everything went to hell

Everyone got so attached to the baby even Y/n did, then one day they went out for baby close and a crib and all that stuff

When they got home she laid on the couch for a bit then later moved to her room, a few hours later her mother came to wake her from her nap to say dinners ready

Y/n was laying on her bed with wide eyes, she laid in blood soaked bed sheets, her mom was shocked when she saw the bed "I'll call 911" She said grabbing her phone and dialing the number

Later at midnight we found out that she had a miscarriage

A couple days later was her birthday, we celebrated, but she just ended up being depressed the whole day, she lost her baby for crying out loud

Her father even got attached to child even though his wife never payed attention to him, he didn't mind cause he found liquor as his new best friend

He started coming home every night drunk, he was even fired from his job because he was drinking durring work.

He come home and beat Y/n every night, she felt lost, and hurt to the point she couldn't be fixed, she laied in her bed every night trying not to let those tear slip, as her dad taught her how to be "a real woman"

Every night he came into her room and raped her, she hatred it, one time she spoke up and told him to stop. But he found a way into her school, he raped her in school, at home. Anywhere and anywhere he could get his hands on her

He kept telling her how worthless she is and how she should never have a baby, cause they'd end up just like they're mother. Trash. He said so much worse then that, he called her names

He got a jog and he stopped rapping her for a while

I sit up quickly and gasp for the air I didn't have, I look around the room and don't see anyone, my life just flashed before my eyes

I want yoongi

I didn't see him, as I realize he also got hurt, tears rolled down each cheek, I tried to stop them but it wouldn't work, they just kept coming

Yoongi walks through the door and sees me crying, he runs up to me and gives me the biggest hug I've ever gotten

I hold on to him like he's the only source of life I have left

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