3. First Look

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@hopeful : today was fun, and yes i brought them pizza just for a photo

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@hopeful : today was fun, and yes i brought them pizza just for a photo

Tagged : @whydontwemusic

Likes - 786,346

Comments -

user1- This is so amazing

user2- i cant wait for you to take photos of them on stage

hopeful - @user2 same, they are such dorks it will be great fun.

jackaverymusic - @hopeful a dork huh?

user3 - jacks the biggest dork out them all

user4 - @user3 I agree

jackaverymusic - guys this isn't funny i am not a dork

seaveydaniel - you kind of are @jackaverymusic

corbynbesson - I agree @jackaverymusic @seaveydaniel

seaveydaniel - see jack @jackaverymusic corbyn agrees, and i had so much fun
today Lili i can't wait for the tour to start

user5 - #dili? #laniel? ^^^^^^^^

imzachherron- it was pretty great pizza

hopeful - @imzachherron not that i would know you guys pretty much ate it all
before the picture was taken. @jackaverymusic see everyone agrees you're a dork

user6 - Look how good daniel looks here

hopeful - I agree @user6

user7 - @user5 #laniel

@jackaverymusic : im not a dork

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@jackaverymusic : im not a dork

Tagged : @hopeful @seaveydaniel @corbynbesson

Likes - 456,017

Comments -

user1 - yes you are

user2 - Jack don't live in denial

user3 - You're such a dork its one of the reasons we love you

user4 - dude, have you seen yourself

user5 - you're a living dork


user7 - ^^^^ I AGREE VERY MUCH




corbynbesson - #WELOVEJACKAVERY

jonahmarais - #WELOVEJACKAVERY

imzachherron - #WELOVEJACKAVERY

seaveydaniel - #WELOVEJACKAVERY

hopeful - do i have to say anymore, you're a dork




Noodle Head - WHO IS @em.leah AND WHY DID SHE COMMENT ON MY POST ???????

Lili - She is my best friend and love her very much

Noodle Head - Add her to the chat i want to get to know her

Lili - as you wish

Lili added 'Leah Boo' to the group chat

Leah Boo - Hi friends, im leah and i very much love food

Zach Attack - I think we are going to be good friends

Cor-bean - I agree, we all like food

Leah Boo - let's go out for food

Jo-NAH - yes, lets

Ocean Eyes - So Leah tell us about yourself

Leah Boo- Well im 19 years of age, my favourite food is Pizza.

Leah Boo - I love to skate board even if it means i will fall and cause blood

Leah Boo - So yeah

Lili - Jack likes to skateboard

Lili - He also likes pizza

Ocean Eyes - He does

Noodle Head - I do?

Lili - Yes jack you do

Noodle Head - Sorry i was mesmerized by a beautiful human


Lili- was it by any chance this person...

Lili- was it by any chance this person

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Noodle Head - maybe 

Leah Boo - guys im still here you know 

Lili- well it's getting late so i'm going to go to sleep, ill leave you guys to talk. Goodnight 

Jo-NAH - night 

Cor-bean - night 

Noodle Head - night 

Leah Boo - Night babe i love you 

Ocean Eyes - night 

Direct Message - Ocean Eyes  (A/N Lili's names is how it is seen on Daniels phone)

Ocean Eyes - Today was so much fun

Ocean Eyes - I honestly can't wait for the tour to start 

Beautiful - same it's gonna be so much fun 

Ocean Eyes - i'm glad you're coming with us 

Beautiful - same, im so excited 

Beautiful - but i should go to sleep, see you soon. 

Ocean Eyes - night beautiful 

Beautiful - Night ocean eyes 

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