Imagine you were by carl side

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Imagine you were there for Carl when he's slowly dying.

A/n: this episode broke me so bad! We watched him grow up on the show, and he changed through out the show. I think it was pretty stupid for the producer to kill him off like that. He's been fighting walkers when he was a kid! 🙃

Alexandria is gone. Negans people destroyed everything. Half of the town have been evacuated and some were hiding underneath Alexandria. During this is going on, Michonne, (y/n), Rick were still out.  Everyone was sitting in the tunnel and Siddiq is sitting by Carl. Siddiq noticed Carl's breathing is raspy and sweating. He crawls to Carl putting his hand on his head. "'re burning up. You need to take some medicine." He digs in his bag but Carl told him don't bother. Siddiq looked at him with an 'confused' expression. Carl gave a light smile and looks down to his side. Carl pushed his flannel away, lifted his shirt, and peeled the bandage. Siddiq saw the mark on his side. Siddiq looked at him shocked and scared. Millions of things went through his head. "It happened when we were fighting off those walkers in the woods. I know what you're's not your fault. So don't blame yourself that you should've helped me. Everything is going to be ok." Carl said. Siddiq eyes started getting watery. He only knew this kid for 3 days, but it doesn't matter...he saved his life.

[ during the hours of waiting for Rick, (y/n), and Michonne come back and also waiting for Negans people to leave. Carl started showing more symptoms and getting worse. Then everyone noticed about Carl.....they felt sorry, and heartbroken.]

Carl's POV [talking to himself in his head]
I guess this is how I go. I didn't want to go yet. I wanted to watch my sister Judith grow up. I wanted to be the answer to our future. But that's all gone now.....This is my end. What will dad say? What will be Michonne's reaction? Wha- what about (y/n)? What will be her/his reaction? *tears starts building up* oh..Gawd! I don't want to leave her/him.
Carl's POV end

"(Y/n). I want you to go to Alexandria. Get everyone to evacuate and tell them to meet us at the hilltop." Rick said. You nodded and went off to Alexandria. You knew where everyone is hiding you jumped down into the sewer. You saw everyone siting, looking depressed. Daryl walked up to you, holding Judith in his arms. "Where's Rick and Michonne?" Daryl asked "They sent me to come get y'all and meet them at the hilltop." Daryl nodded and looked down. You'd sense something was wrong. "Daryl? everything alright?...." Daryl slowly looked up at you. "I'm so sorry (y/n)......" You gave him a questionable look. "What do you mean? What are you sorry about?" Your mind was thinking all these possibilities on what he did. Daryl took your hand, leading you to the back. You saw Siddiq sitting down. "(y/n)! I'm sorry. I'm trying my best to help but there's no way to control the fever." Siddiq said nervously.  You turned around facing Carl. He's sitting in the corner, his face and skin are a pale color, his lips are purple, sweating like crazy, and looking weak. "Omg Carl! What happened? Are u sick?" You placed your hand on his forehead. "Oh shit! you're burning up. You need some-" "Don't bother (y/n).....what I have won't do anything....." Carl lifted his shirt, peeled off the bandage, and reveled his wound. It's not an ordinary was an bite wound....

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