[3] The Room Where It Happens | A. Hamilton X T. Jefferson

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"So I trade you New York City for the votes?"Hamilton asked

For hours now Jefferson, Hamilton and Madison had been defining the terms of a crucial agreement. For hours now the obnoxious loud mouthed orphan had been leaning too close to Jefferson. His breathing warm, presence a pain.

"You really have no idea what personal space is, it's really distracting when your face is two inches from mine"Jefferson grumbled, cheeks pink

Hamilton was undeniably good looking, but he was undeniably annoying and a guy too. Which was why it was annoying to have his presence....so close. Especially with someone else in the room, even if it was Madison.

"We're in"Madison agreed

"You too Jefferson?"Hamilton questioned again

"WHAT if I turn my head and accidentally kiss you!"Jefferson grumbled as he turned to glare at Hamilton

His worst nightmare and slight best dream happening with no warning, Madison watching in shock. Jefferson's lips grazed Hamilton's. Hamilton began to kiss him as if it was normal, as if it was okay. What if Eliza, Washington, Phillip or ANYONE else found out.

"What happens in this room tonight stays in this room, promise?"

Hamilton's lips left his as his heart danced in worry.

"That is the agreement, I am a man of my word"Jefferson tried to avoid the topic at hand

"JEFFERSON"Madison freaked

"What?! It wasn't my fault!"

"You just- woah-woah-wait you like Hamilton and you don't like me?"He grumbled


"You like me?"Hamilton beamed hopefully, like a child who knew nothing of consequences

"We can't happen!"Jefferson yelped, "NEITHER of us!"

"You like Hamilton"Madison sighed, "good luck"

"Madison your my best friend, you know I can't have relations like that with a guy"Jefferson exhaled

"We can keep secrets"

"And as long as your happy"Madison smiled

Jefferson felt Hamilton's hand on his and he gave in with an angsty growl, "fine"

Word count: 325
Date written: 06-07-18
Requested by: @Yandere_Eliza

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