[5] Door To Door - James Madison X Reader

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"Please support Thomas Jefferson in the upcoming election"James Madison smiled to her another wealthy man

Yesterday he'd seen Burr door to door campaigning and today, Madison and Jefferson were too.

"He's so elitist"Wives would sigh, "but if you had run-"

"I'll think over it, I do admire his drive"A few men had smiled

Gaining some support he'd knocked on every door in his list except one, the last house, furthest from the town centre was decorated with cut hedges and trimmed trees but seemed empty. He knocked against the wooden door, stepping back in hope it would open but turning his back after a few minutes. Then the footsteps tapping on the hall began, door swinging open to a woman who struggled to tie her dress

"I apologise for taking so long-"She exhaled with short breath

"It's okay, I've just been visiting the southern people to gain support of Thomas Jefferson's run for president"He smiled

"Oh- I'm sorry my father's sick...."You frowned

"I hope he gets better, though I'm tired so I have to-"

"are you sure you don't want tea? I can't hand you alcohol but I'll make you tea" You offered at the door smiling cutely

Madison stayed in his spot, pink cheeks as he nodded. Walking through the now fully open door before you closed it.

"Who's there?!"A man's voice bellowed from upstairs

"James Madison"Madison whispered as you looked to him

"Mr Madison father"You called back

"A suitor?"

With red cheeks you walked along the hall setting up the kettle, and tea bags as the door swung weakly open to your father.

"Nice to meet you Mr Madison"He greeted, "I'm glad my daughter finally has a suitor"

"No no dad Mr Madison is married-"

"No I don't, happy to be her suitor sir"Madison smiled shaking his hand

"(Y/N) your tying skills need work"Your father sighed

"Hey I'm sorry I was in the library"You exhaled as Madison's eyes lit up, "Madison, sugars?"

"Two"He smiled

"So Madison what interests you, our money? Or my daughter."Your father smiles cheekily

"Your daughter of course sir"Madison smiled as he took the tea cup

"Finally someone not wanting our legacy of treasures"Your father exhaled as you watched with widened eyes, "so do explain"

"She's quieter, and interested in books. She seems nice too sir"Madison smiled

"That is all true, Madison, I give you permission to marry my daughter"Your father smiled, "but quickly before I die"


You smiled to your dad as he died peacefully, still wearing a wedding dress, hand in James Madison's. After the day you opened the door you had gotten to know the amazing man and happily married him. Thomas Jefferson had won the presidency, not to the public but due to Hamilton alone as James said.

"Good luck dear"

You cried quietly, tears soaking your fancy dress.

"Love, lets go home"James smiled as he kissed your cheek, "I have work, you have things to read. And then we have tonight together"

"Thank you James, for happening to open the door"You kissed him as you walked beside him hand in hand

Word count: 533
Date written: 19-07-18
❤️request for:@yandere_madison ❤️
I'm not really happy with this one I hope it's good enough 💕 😊

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