The beginning

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Before I start, I just wanna say thank you to MuriLexa for doing my cover I really appreciate it.


Notes: Facial Recognition Disorder/Prosopagnosia/face blindness is a disorder of which it is an inability to recognize faces. It is a cognitive disorder of face perception that means the ability to recognize others, including oneself sometimes is impaired.


Taehyung's POV:

I woke up around 7 am. I slowly lifted myself up from my comfortable bed and walked to the mirror in my bathroom. As I was met with the mirror, I groggily mumbled to myself:

"Another day," I sighed, "another hard day."

I gradually made my way over to my kitchen to eat breakfast before I started working. I worked at a small coffee shop where many people enjoyed to read, drink, and relax. I enjoyed working, despite the fact that I can't remember anything besides the simple formulas of the different types of coffees.

I arrived at work to open up for the day and to get my life together. I, then, pulled the blue and white striped curtains open and began wiping down the tables. I took out all of the coffee ingredients and pastries.

It is true that I own this business, and there is a reason. A while back, I went to a doctor's appointment I had scheduled for a yearly physical. When I did not recognize my doctor, they decided to run some tests on me. After a couple weeks past, the doctor said that I had this facial disorder. This meant that whoever I encounter throughout the day, I will not remember a single face. Since this would affect my life as a worker, I decided to quit my former job and open this small business.

As I finished prepping up the coffee shop, I turned on the open sign. Soon enough, there were customers flooding in. I felt happy that I got to please people. Although the realization of this "new customer" shocked me as they came by the cash register and asked me a question.

"Do you remember me?" The male customer asked start forwardly.

"No sorry? What would you like to order?" I replied cheerfully as I tried to hide my uncomfortableness.

The other male on the other side of the countertop, slightly frowned and just ordered. I looked at him trying to see if I could remember anything, but nothing popped up. I can only remember the basics of things.

~Time Change~

It was closing time, and there was a male customer sitting down reading a book and drinking coffee. I looked at my watch and saw that it was already 8:27 P.M. It was closing time so I walked over to the male and asked him politely.

"Excuse me sir, it is time to close. Please make your way to the door. Thank you and please come again whenever you feel like it-"

Suddenly it hit me. A scent that I have smelled before.

(A/N: With this type of disorder, the people who have this, can be treated by different types of ways, but one way is the smell of something. Taehyung, in this case, can remember someone, barely, by the scent of the fragrance that they wear or maybe just the way they actually smell.)

He stood up and then handed me a card. It looked like a business card.

Jeon Jungkook
Kappa **** Avenue

"Jeon Jungkook?"

He looked up at me.

"Yes, that's my name. I know you have a problem and I want to help. After coming here very often, I've noticed that something is wrong. I really hope you will let me help."

I thought to myself. If I wanted to remember him, even by a little. Then he has to continue wearing whatever cologne he has on right now.

"Excuse me? Mr. Jeon Jungkook. May I ask you if you could wear whatever cologne you have on?"

"Of course."

I think he knows about my disorder. Especially, since he said he's been coming here, and I haven't even realized it.

"May I know your name?" Mr. Jeon asked me as I replied instantly.

"Taehyung. Kim Taehyung."


I hope you enjoy reading this new story of mine.

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