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                               [1] ➳♡ CREAKING DOORS / [MAY]

        EVERYONE HAD AN INTEREST IN THE DARKNESS; WHAT THEY DIDN’T KNOW. At one point, everyone was the fictional character in a horror film that inched towards the door with apprehension tugging away on their clothes but curiosity pushing their feet towards the creaking closet door that secretly held the waiting killer. Everyone could remember yelling at that character, telling them how savagely stupid they were. No one could imagine being that character—but they all had been, countless times. Only difference was that the killer didn’t necessarily take lives, but other things.

For a girl like May Kapoor—a girl who always had an inexplicable light glowing around her to kill the darkness and thus, her curiosity—inching near that creaking door was never necessary. However, she would be staring at it—and she was not nearly bright enough for the darkness she would try to look into.

Backpack clad back leant up against a cold, navy blue locker, she now stared at the white brick wall that stared back at her, holding her books against her chest with one arm. Next to her, her best friend Shirley peered into her open locker, grabbing whatever she needed for first period, which was the only class the two had together: math.

“Alright,” Shirley started, jerking her head to the side in an attempt to move away the stray strands of frizzy wavy hair that had fallen onto her face as she shut her locker, “we’re ready to go.”

Shirley began to take the short walk to their first period class, May following after immediately. Since their bus always arrived earlier than the other ones they were always the first upstairs. They could hear the sound of their shoes echoing off the walls of their High School. May always made it a game to make sure her black Doc Martens would step perfectly in the middle of every square of blue tiled floor she walked on. A smile found its way on her face at the sight of the shoes. She wasn’t much of a shoe girl; in fact, she only wore one pair of shoes throughout the whole year except for when summer came and she’d have to change into sandals for the sake of keeping cool. She’d saved up to buy a pair of these shoes and the primary reason she was excited for the new school year was that she wanted to wear them and show off her shoes.

Once they found door 236 they immediately noticed that the door was locked and that the teacher hadn’t arrived, which within a week of school they’d figured out was a not peculiar occurrence. They shrugged at each other and leaned against the wall across the classroom, holding their books against their chests. May played with the hem of her white tank top with her free hand, dimples subtly engraving themselves on her cheek as she smacked her lips together.

“God, I can’t wait till I’m a senior and next year and I can drive myself to school—considering my parents would even get me a car,” she said, trying to fill the empty air with words.

“Oh,” Shirley scoffed, “they’ll get you a car.”

“I don’t know. Do you think your parents will get you a car?” she inquired, turning her head towards her friend, who looked ahead with a thoughtful frown on her face.

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