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David POV

I woke up and smell bacon and egg's in he mess hall when did QM learn to cook right? (Lol burn) all the campers are up and smell it too well heard a angelic voice "BREAKFAST GET IT WELL IT HOT!!" And a cow bell ringing all the camper and me run to he mess hall and see (y/n) cooking food also singing and dancing I blush "David keep her or I swear!" Max said all he kids nod even Nerf!! "OK KIDS PLANT YOUR ASSES SO YOU CAN EAT!" She yelled we all sit "I'll call your names and you'll come and get your food! Even you David also can someone call Gwen?" She ordered us we all nod I and went to go get Gwen.

Readers POV

After giving the kids their plates  the last on was max "OK last one max come get it!" I handed max his plate and give him a peck on the cheek "go eat now darlin" I did it to all the kids I was like the mom right now. I sat with the kids "so how was eveyones morning?" I say while sitting down "because your here awesome" they all say "awwe you lil angels!" I say as Gwen and David come in.

"Hi guys I put your plates on the counter also I cleaned the kitchen because it was dirty." I say and cross my legs also puting my hand in my lap (like a fucking boss bro) "kids when you done all of you go in there and clean your dishes please or you'll not get chocolate I planed on giving you if you behave" they all eat and run to the kitchen David and Gwen look at me "how?" "I had lots of siblings (if you dont just pretend) and I was the oldest so I was the second mom!" I say to her then she nods David blushes hm wouder why? I shrug and put on hoop earrings(or not).

David's POV

She is so wife material I blush at the thought then (y/n) put her hand on my head "oh no are you sick?" I blush more "come on your staying in bed today if your sick!!" "No I'm not I'm fine!!!" I say quickly "OK if your sure" she said "O-OK CAMPERS WELL BE DOING ART CAMP TODAY!!"  I yell "SHUT UP YOU F-" "MAX IF YOU CUSS I SWEAR TO GOD!" (Y/n) said to him and gave him a mom glare he looked scared "sorry" max said "thats right now if you cuss you'll get in trouble with me" she said with a mom/death glare on I would not mess with that women "understand?" They all nod she smiles "OK Dolph you can start with the art things!" I say.

Reader's POV

"OMG SPACE KID NO THATS NOT SPACE FOOD!!" I scream and run to pull the paint brush out of him mouth "bu-" "but nothing paint can kill you who told you that it was good for you???" I yell "max d-" "MAX HERE NOW YOUNG MAN" I point to a spot next to me and I'm tapping my foot he's by me "tell me why you told him that?" I say in a death tone "um I thought it would be funny" He said in a quiet tone "Max look at me" I neal down to his level "why did you think it was funny?" I say.

"I don't know please dont be mad and hit m-" "why would I hit you???......wait dose you-" I say "no drop it!" He yells and runs I hurry and take off my hoops also apren I threw them at David "hold these for me ok thanks!!" I run off to get max I see him by a tree crying "now she know she'll think I'm pathetic weak a-" "I WOULD NEVER!!" I scream then I bear hugged him.

David's POV

(Y/n) ran off to Max "what was that a bout?" Gwen said I shrug I hear a crunch I turn around and see the wood scouts "we want to make a b-" "(y/n) THEY ALWAYS TRY TO GET THE CAMP!" I hear Max yell we all turn to see a piss off (y/n) she started to take off her rings and tie her hair up "Holy shit you better run now or you'll die wood scouts" Gwen said "I'm not afraid of a g-" "THIS GIRL IS BOUT TO BEAT YOUR ASS IF YOU DONT GO NOW!" "NEVER!" "Wrong choice" she said in a cold voice Pikeman started to get scared.

Max's POV

(Y/n) gave me her rings and tied her hair up oh shit bout to go down she walks to the and grab them by the shirt collars "get the fuck out of my camp or you'll regret it bitch" she said then threw them they scurry off "if you EVER come back I'll make sure I'll fight you don't think I wouldn't bitch!" she said "ok back to art camp kids!" David said gwen looked scared "OMG MOM YOU WHERE AWESOME!" I yell everyone froze and looked at me "I-I mean (y-y/n)!" I say quickly she looks at me.

Reader's POV

"I'm like mom to you?" I say then I start tearing up "y-yes why?" Max said I to him and give him a hug "awwe my heart!!" David screams all the kids look mad "come here you lil angels!!" They run to me "awe my children" I yell I look at Gwen and David "you too sillys" I say we all have a big group hug "IM BACK!" I hear and old man we all look to see who it is "MR CRAMPBELL!!" David said "who's that?" The old man said "I'm the new co-council here why?" I say.

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