Letters of Regret, From---

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From Me,

 As a young boy all I ever wanted was what every other boy had, a mother. Not just any mother, pardon me, but a real mother. Caring, beautiful, sweet, and intelligent who would look at me and see her very own little prince charming or her savior instead of looking but not ever seeing me. Really I lie, it's one of my greatest faults and believe me I don't have many. Really I would have been fine with a witch for a mother, terrible, mean and cruel, honestly anything would have been better than what I got and all I got was a ghost..A women in a shell, her own nutshell, not caring,crazy or cruel simply there but not there, that was my mother. A boy without a mother and a boy without a father, yes that would be me. Till her dying day I never knew what made my mother tick, whether she loved me or hated me, or cared for me one bit and in the end all I got where some letters, her letters of regret. My mother you see, in her girlhood experienced something tragic, something life altering, something that she never could get over, though this truth that my mother hid from me never saw the light of day when she was alive. You see it wasn't until she was dead and buried six feet under the ground at her favorite park, which I didn't even know was her favorite park, did the truth finally surface. So it can be said without a doubt that I hated my mother in life, at least hers. A child without a mother, that was me. Our story if you can call it such, though I warn you it's not much of a story, isn't really ours but mainly just hers. Okay I lied, though I don't lie often believe me, the story is hers, mines, his and yours, it's the story of us. The story of how we came to be, how we lived and how we will all eventually die. Sound morbid? It's not I swear, it's just life, our life. With these parting words that I learned from my mother I will leave you; whether you chose to do something or chose not to do something you might end up regretting it.

Letters of Regret, From—

With Love and Regret, From MammaWhere stories live. Discover now