Chapter Three : The Kiss

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Note : Thought

After almost 3 week hunting the new place, I start to give up. Is not like there's good place to live. Actually there's so much place I can stay, but the price is so.. WOW. I just can't afford it, and again, I actually start feel comfortable live together with Jessica. I start enjoying that her hang out around me, start feel relax, knowing her habit which love wear underwear at home, I mean, who's normal guy not enjoying the view, hehe. I like our bed time story too, share and listen each other problem, with how chaotic are we when cook our dinner, or when we fight about remote tv. Fun. That's what I feel the whole time I live with her here.

" My birthday is next week." she suddenly said when we have our dinner together with chinese food as the menu that night.

" Really? I thought you born at September. " I said while blowing my egg roll and chew it hungrily. 

She pouting right after heard my answer. I just hold my laugh when notice it. " I knooow ~ your birthday is April 18 ~ " I quickly said. " So? " I ask casually after it.

" Nothing. I just want remind you. " she shrugged and eat her fortune cookie calmly.

" Random. " I said when hear her answer.

" Whatever ~ " she try ignoring me.

" Random and weird. " I said again while this time pinch her nose with my oily finger before move away, try to start the 'war'.

It success because not long after it she jump on me and smack my head hard before smear all my face with the oil from the food before laugh loud.

Well this is how we spend our night everyday. Trying release the stress from long day at work by play around. Like kids, I know, but at least we have fun.

After just lay on floor and laugh non stop. I finally get up to take shower. My face and body is full with oil because of Jessica. That girl can be so hyper when come bullying someone, specially me. 

Lucky there's still a hot water left. If not I might be freezing whole night cause take a cold shower. 

After the shower, I come right away to my room. I glance a bit to the tv room. It's empty. I think Jessica already sleep. 

Once I get into my room I take off my clothes and change it with the clean one.

" Do you know what I want for my birthday? " suddenly a voice ask, make my heeart almost leap from it place.

" Sica?? " I call at the voice from my bed.

" I want a star.. " she answer it before sighed.

" Sica, I'm not wear anything.. " I warned her.

" So? " ask her with bored tone.

I rise my eyebrow when heard her respon. What's wrong with her? Is she know she might be in danger now? What if I turn on my byun side? Hehe 

I quickly reach my wardrobe. Take any clothes and put it on right away, but she was there stand in front of me right after I turn around my body.

" Are you really never seen naked girl..? " she shot me the question as her hand reach up and start buttoning my shirt.

" Eh??? " I only can stare at her, bewilder when heard it. " What kind of question is that? "

" Just curious ~ " she turn around and flop herself on my bed again. " So it's true? " she repeat her question when I still not answer her yet.

For couple minute my mouth only can hang out open, don't kno what to say. " Well I lived in little city call Jeonju, what you expect?! " I finally said as my face turn into tomatoes. Making her laugh hard when witness it.

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