Chapter 4

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I ran back to the house. The others were just sort of sitting around idly, waiting for something, well I found something for them. I ran into my room and grabbed my sword and the bullets. I pocketed them and walked back out to the others. "Castiel needs us, I just got word from another angel that they found Lucifer" I told then and they all jumped up and grabbed their stuff and followed after me. The five of us ran down the street to where Cas had his living quarters. We ran in through the doors and all lined up in front of Cas. “You wanted to see us Unc… Castiel”I said, almost slipping on calling him Uncle Cas, which I didn’t tend to do. He didn’t seem to notice, but the others did. They looked at me funny and I gave them a later look. “Yes, I did Cassie, I have gotten word on where Lucifer is currently staying” Cas said, my hands formed into fists. “He is close to here, a few miles away” Cas said but he seemed a little hesitant on giving me full details. “Castiel, where is he?” I asked, dead serious. “He’s at your old camp, and he is holding two people, all the others were killed” Cas said. “Who is he holding?” I asked him, alreading fearing the answer I knew he would say. “I’m very sorry Cassie, but he is holding your parents” Cas said, and it was exactly what I thought he would say.


I stormed out of the room, furious. I would kill Lucifer and save my parents no matter what I took to achieve it. I went back to the house and packed my things quickly. I ran out of the back door as I heard the others enter, leaving my note on the bed. I ran through the woods, following the road we had taken to get to the camp. I heard a car honk and I turned to see Sam and Dean driving behind me in the Impala, which the had somehow managed to un demon proof it enough so that Dean could still drive his baby. I stopped and they pulled up next to me. “Cassie, we heard about your parents, I’m truly sorry, we are coming to help” Sam called from the other side of the car. “This is something I have to do alone guys” I told them and went to start walking but Dean grabbed my arm. “Look Cassie, you are our family, Hannah is practically a sister to us, and you can’t face Lucifer alone, your father tried once, died trying, or at least so we thought, we are coming whether you want help or not” Dean said. “Sorry Dean-o” I said using my father’s nickname for him. “I run solo” I said and slightly cut his arm, just enough so he would drop my hand, with the angel blade i had hippen in my coat pocket and I ran into the woods again. I followed a different route and eventually found my old house, which was surrounded by Croats.


Peter’s POV~

We stayed an extra few minutes since Castiel hadn’t dismissed us, although I really didn’t want to. I wanted to check on Cassie, this had to be hard on her. When we were finally dismissed I walked with the group back to the house. The house was dark when we got there, but the front door was unlocked. We walked in and I walked into our room. Cassie’s stuff was gone and on her bed was a note. I picked it up and read it.


Dear John, Peter, Anna, and Grace,

Although I just met you guys I figured I would let you in on a few things. This isn’t my first run in with Lucifer. When I was about ten I was staying at my camp, playing with my one friend that I had, Steven Smith. We were attacked and many of our people were killed. Anyone who wasn’t killed was taken prisoner. We were all beat, most of the men were killed. Lucifer was leading a large group of demons and he let them do to us what they pleased, with only one criteria, my family was to be spared, he had something planned for us. He knew both my parents, since they were all siblings, don’t judge! Of course all though the demons couldn’t kill us that didn’t keep us safe from other things. We were severely beat, and me and my mother were raped while my father was forced to watch.

I found out later that there was a group that had been sent out early into the attack, which was the only the few people who were in my camp survived. The fact that Lucifer attacked the same camp again isn’t a coincidence, I think he was looking for me, which I why he is holding me family. I didn’t want any of you to become involved with what I need to do so I have left, I’m sorry for running out on you like that. Please stay safe and I will return after I have killed the devil.


Cassie Singer


When I was done reading I called to the others. They all came in and I handed them the letter. I couldn’t believe what I had read in the letter. It all just seemed so horrible. “Oh my god, this is so horrible!” Anna exclaimed when she was done reading. “I think we should find Castiel” I said they all seemed to agree with me. “John you come with me too look for him, Anna and Grace you stay here in case either Castiel comes or Cassie returns” I said to them and me and John left the two girls there.


We walked back to Castiels place but we couldn’t find anyone there. so we walked around a bit. We couldn't seem to find him anywhere. We went to turn around to head back, to see if the girls has found anything when we bumped into someone. The three of us all stumbled backwards a bit, a little caught off our guard. We realized that we had actually bumped into Castiel, it was quite ironic actually. "Castiel, Cassie is gone" I told him. "I figured as much, both of the Winchesters are also gone" Castiel said "she left a note" John said holding it out. he read through it but there didn't seem to be any surprise on his face. "I assumed sh would want revenge on Lucifer for what he did, but she should know better to run in half cocked" Castiel said, seeming a little frustrated. "She seems like a strong girl, she will get through this" I said to Castiel "I hope you are right Peter, I hope you are right" Castiel said to me and walked away from me and John.


Cassie's POV~

I watch my house from the woods. It's was surrounded by demons and Croats. I figured that was where my parents were being held, and Lucifer had taken residence, just like last time.



I lay there in between my parents. "Mommy, I'm scared" I said to her. "Everything will be okay Cassie" my mother reassured me. There was a bang and the door to the basement was thrown open. Lucifer walked in followed by demons. "Grab them" Lucifer ordered and both my parents were grabbed. "I'm going to kill you, you insufferable brat, and then I'm going to kill your parents" Lucifer hissed in my ear as he grabbed me. My mother pulled against the Demons holding her. One of them smacked her across the face. "Please Lucifer, if this has to do with before, just let my family go, they had nothing to do with that" my father pleaded. "Gabriel, Gabriel, Gabriel, I have to say I'm rather surprised in you, I thought you were different, and although I can say I'm not surprised you survived, this isn't about that, I'm not one for holding past grudges" Lucifer said to him. "Please Lucifer, whatever it is, we can work this out, just please let them go" my father continued to plead with him "this isn't something that can be worked out, this is something that needs to be killed at the source, and that source is her” Lucifer said and he pulled a silver blade from his pocket. I started to squirm and pull. but he slapped me across the face, cutting a decent sized gash from my ear half way across my cheek. I screamed out in pain and my eyes filled with tears as I started to cry.


Lucifer placed the tip of the blade to my neck and started to cut as the door flew open. At least ten people came in and Lucifer and the demons zapped out. I fell to ground finally being released from Lucifers grip. I sat up and looked around. I saw my parents talking to one of the people so I got up and went to walk over to them when I was stopped. It was my uncle Cas. “Cassie, we need you to go with these people, they are going to help you get better” Cas said to me. “But Uncle I just want my mommy and daddy” I said to him. “You will be able to see them after but right now we need to heal you” Cas said. I looked over at my parents and I caught my father's eye. I started into his golden eyes for a minute and I felt reassured, I knew everything would be fine, so I let myself be led away by my Uncle Cas.

*End of Flashback*

I found myself absentmindedly rubbing the scar on my cheek. It had been thirteen years since all that had happened, but I had never forgotten that day. I slowly stood up and pulled out my sword but I felt something hit the back of my head and I was met by blackness before I even hit the ground.

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