Chapter 6

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A few days passed since my parents died. I hadn’t left the house much and I didn’t talk to many of the people, except Peter, and Sam and Dean. I didn’t cry anymore. I was stronger now. Most of the time I was cleaning and sharpening my weapons, and preparing myself for killing Lucifer. I was sitting there sharpening my sword when someone entered. “Cassie, Castiel wants to see  us” Peter said to me. “I don’t want to talk to him right now” I said to him continuing what I was doing. “He said he found Lucifer” Peter said. “Who does he have this time?” I asked Peter. “What?” Peter asked this time. “Last time he had my parents, who does he have this time?” I asked Peter again. Peter was silent. I turned around. “Peter where is he” I asked him. Peter gave a quick look around and mouthed. ‘he is here now’. Then he spoke. “I don’t know, Cas wouldn’t tell me” Peter said. I stood up. “Okay, tell Cas I’ll be there in a minute and that I just want to give my uncles a call. They always want me to let them know when I’m going out and where I’m going.” I told him. He knew what I was saying though.


Peter left me. I waited about ten minutes. Preparing myself for this fight. I grabbed the radio that there was and called Dean. “Hello” He said on the other end. “Hey Dean-o” I said. When I called him Dean-o it was usually my way of telling him I knew something was wrong. “Hey, Cassie, what’s so important that you needed to cal” Dean asked me. “I’m going over to see Cas, he said he found Lucifer so I’m going to get instructions” I told him. "Five-o, got it" Dean said, so I now knew that Peter was right about Lucifer. I slipped out of the back of my house, to find a way to where Cas was without being seen by Lucifers Demons.


Dean’s POV~

I ended mine and Cassie’s little talk on the radio. I looked around the room at my brother and Cas who were tied to chairs along with me. “You know Dean, I let you talk to her so she wouldn’t think something was wrong. You do realize that right Dean” Lucifer said. I caught a glimpse of a glint from Lucifer’s angel blade, that he had secretly hidden. I nodded to him. “But now she knows, and she is on her way over now, of course you aren’t the only one who gave her hints, but still you are the easiest to, how shall I put it, enrage” Lucifer said to me.


There was a moment of nothing. I was slightly confused but I felt something in the pit of my stomach, well the meat suits stomach. It clicked though, in my mind, at that moment. But it was to late. I saw Lucifer’s wrist flick slightly. There was a blinding blue light and when it was gone and Cas was dead in his chair. He walked over to Sam but the funny thing about me being a knight of hell, there is only one thing that can kill me, and I didn’t have the first blade on me right now. I broke the rope and threw the demons that tried to hold me back. “You know Dean you never when to stop” Lucifer said and he held up the blade to stab Sam. “Hey Luci, you didn’t think you would get rid of me that easily did you?” I heard a feminine voice ask behind Lucifer.


Lucifer stepped out of the way so that he could see fully. Standing there in the door was Cassie. She was holding up a simple hand gun. Lucifer gave her a chuckle. “That won’t work on me you pathetic little girl.” Lucifer hissed to her. She lowered her gun slightly and shot him in the leg. He fell to his knees “Angel blade melted down into a bullet, still won’t work on you?” She said in a very sassy way. Lucifer gave her a glare and he disappeared. “I had it covered” I said to her as she walked in. “Yeah, thats why Sam was about to be killed” She said to me and she untied Sam and then Cas. Sam got up but no one mentioned Cas just sitting there. Cassie kinda stood there thinking, but she probably already knew what was wrong. Cas was dead. Although of course the fact that he had a pool of blood under his chair and his trench coat was soaked in blood was sort of a dead give away. "Cassie I'm sorry" Sam said to her as she stared at Cas. "Sam it's not your fault, it's mine, I said the code word to Cassie but you know what that's what got Cas killed, so if there is anyone to blame it's me" Dean said "Cas was a good angel Dean. He knew the risks in trusting humans. He knew the risks of controlling an army. Death wasn't a worry for Cas. Losing his family was Dean. Cas knew he was going to die. And he died so that we could continue and kill lucifer. Now, who's ready to ice the Devil?" Cassie asked. Me and Sam looked at each other, both grinning. "There is just one more thing I need to do before we kill him" Cassie added. "What's that?" I asked her. "I need to tell the others about Cas's death." Cassie said "and we need to figure out who is in charge here, now that he is dead" Sam added. "That's a good point Sammy, I vote for me" I said "I vote for Cassie" Sam said, I was a little surprised. "Well we can't judge who it will be with just us." Cassie argued,clearly not happy with being voted for. "Sorry Cassie, I am more qualified to be the leader than you are, but I will be kind and take you as my assistant. So people will take orders from you, but you still need to take orders from me" I said to her. "Now I need to tell the others, you can confront the group oh mighty leader" Cassie said to me and ran off


Cassie's POV~

I ran off. I don't know why I didn't cry when I realized Cas was dead, I guess it was because I hadn't allowed myself to get close to him. Not like I had with Sam and Dean. They were my only family left now. I wouldn't loose them too. I made my way to the house where I figured the others were. I got there and I was right they were all sitting on the couch. No one was talking though. No one knew what to say. When I walked in they all looked at me, waiting for me to say something. "Um well, Lucifer is gone, he isn't dead, but he is wounded. And there is one other thing" I said to them. They all looked at me waiting. "Cas is dead" I told them. They were shocked. I could tell my there looks on their faces. "Who is in charge now?" Anna asked. "Dean is" I said to her, "but he is a Demon, how is he supposed to lead an Angel army" Grace said in sort of a mean way. "Although Dean maybe a demon he is one of the bravest people I've met, he does anything to protect his family, and people follow him, demon or not" I said to Grace, she gave me almost a disgusted look. "Okay well, whatever happens will happen, but how did Cas die, I mean it's not like he Obi wan-kenobi's it" Peter said. "Well I'm not exactly sure Peter, but he was tied up and it looks like he didn't have any other choice" I said to Peter. "Well, it is what it is, and whoever is in charge I will follow them, whether they are A demon an angel or a human, as long as we kill the devil" John said "yeah, we better get planning in case he tries to attack again. We need to keep this place protected, and try to get as small amount of casualties as we can" I said to them. They seemed almost unsure of what to do next. I sighed and sat down with them on the couch.


I pulled out some paper and a pen. "Okay we need people to patrol borders, keep watches posted, we switch out every hour. Who wants to be in charge of gathering a group and making shifts for people?" I asked them. Peter raised his hand first. "I will, I know a lot of the people here, I can convince them to join in" he explained to me. "Okay, Peter you are handling that. Now we also need two people on training, I want two people in case something happens to someone" I said to them, Anna and Grace volunteered to go for that. "Okay that leaves you John. I need you taking out groups of people to do runs and possible keep look out further away from camp, see if you can find exactly where he is located, and let us know where, he can't be that far away from here" I said to him. He nodded, "I'll be helping out Dean since he wanted me as his assistant, so I'll be doing that while also doing other things around the camp. Okay I want you guys to all go around the camp and gather up groups of people, Grace and Anna, everyone is going to be taking training you just need to really set up times and stuff like that" I said to them, "okay Cassie" Anna said.

They all got up and left and after a minute I also got up. I walked back to where Dean was staying and me, Dean, and Sam spent hours preparing to attack Lucifer when we found him. The three of us all agreed that he couldn't be that far away from our camp. Probably somewhere between here and my old house, or at least I thought, since it would make it easier to get to both places. Sam and Dean both weren't sure of where they thought Lucifers location was. We spent weeks planning these things and keeping an eye out. And there was nothing, for about a month.

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