I Quit Team 7

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Chapter 1

"Teme you tell her yourself!!" Naruto shouts, not believing what he had just heard from the Uchiha, a pinkette by the name Haruno Sakura heard the loud shoutings from the only loud person she knew.

Making her way over to the dispute that was going on not to far from where she was, and stopped seeing Naruto holding a handful of Uchiha's collar.

"You're the one who wanted to kick her out!" Sasuke calmly said.


'But why? I understand that I was abit rude to him last week but I apologised.' She felt her stomach drop, she held a hand to her beating chest, anxious about what her two teammates were discussing.

"It was a joke! I never knew you really wanted to kick her out!" Naruto grumbles as he let's go of the raven head and steps away from the raven head.

"Why don't you just let her go?  You've got me, I'm stronger, smarter and way more useful then her." Karin purred in Sasuke's ears.

The young Uchiha cringed as he tried to pry the red head away.

Naruto rolled his eyes as he ignored his friends one night stand, Where was he standing, with his bestfriend or the girl he used to love?

He didn't think that  was because he didn't want her hurt. Naruto stopped and turned back to his teammate "she is an important part of our team. Don't you like her Teme?" Naruto balled his first.

Sasuke groaned and gave him a death glare "She is not of importance to me. Even if I was interested, it wouldpppp girls I'm interested in are the one's who are strong, not someone I have to save every time she's in trouble. " Sasuke snapped.

"Then I'm your girl." Karin says as she pecked him on the cheek. "Hey bitch move away from Sasuke!!" "Ino?" Sakura whispered as she turned seeing her best friend walking up to them.

"So what are we going to do?" Naruto asks. "What are you guys talking about?" Ino asks.

"They are kicking Sakura out of the team, and they're taking me in." Karin smiled.

"You! Naruto, I can join. That girl can piss off, and why Sakura?" she asks "Ino.." Sakura whispered and stepped back, she unknowingly stepped on a branch.

Everybody turned seeing Sakura with a hurtful expression on her face, she slowly staggered back and turned to run, dropping her friendship bracelet she made for them.

The pinkette arrived at the doors of the Hokage she reached for the wooden door, clenching her fist to knock on it, "Come in." The voice sounded, and surprised the pinkette.

"L-Lady Tsunade!" Sakura stuttered with sorrowful tears, The blonde that sat on the desk looked towards the crying girl "Sakura? What's wrong?" She asks standing up, Sakura held her hand up, and Tsunade slowly sat back down.

"Uh well. My sister just came yesterday, she...she came to visit." Sakura stopped and looked up "I came to thank you Lady Tsunade, for being with me for the past years."

"I've gotten stronger and I thank you, so much better. I wanted to thank you so much, for being my shishou, for being a friend." she bowed.

"Sakura raise your head" Tsunade said in a stern voice, Sakura did as she was told. "Why are you saying these things?" she asks.

"Because I appreciate it, everything, being here in Konoha...I know that I have already served my purpose to this village, but it's time for me to go." she said as she took off her headband and placed it on her desk.

"Sakura-" Tsunade was cut off quickly by Sakura "Goodbye Lady Tsunade and again thank you" she says.

"Wait!!" she called out but Sakura smiled as she puffed out leaving sakura petals flying everywhere.

Sakura was at the training grounds in seconds she saw as they were all sitting quietly.

Everyone looked up at Sakura her headband was gone, "Hey guys" Sakura says in tears.

"Sakura" Naruto's voice cracked "Sakura" Ino took as step forward but Sakura shook her head and looked up.

"I umm it was fun, I liked being on your team, I've learnt a lot and now that Sasuke's back everything is finally normal......well sort of normal, but my sister arrived yesterday." Sakura says with tears rolling down her pink cheeks.

"Sakura what are you saying?" Naruto asks as he shook her head.

Sakura looked into his blue eyes memories flashed up in his eyes she shook her head and looked over to Sasuke.

"I was glad to have you b-back S-Sasuke kun" Sakura breathed out "Hn" his famous phrase "I-Ino t-take care of hi....him" she nodded her head towards Sasuke

"W-wa-wait n-No Sakura" Ino pleaded This girl is so stupid Raikou please, Sakura you've gone too soft...just finish up here Akira's waiting for us .........right.

"She...um she wants me to go with her and so I agreed, I handed my headband back to Lady Tsunade, Naruto Sasuke" Sakura looked down breathed in and looked back up "Thank you for everything an-".

"Hey guys" everyone turns seeing Kakashi he walked up to them Ino was in tears, Sasuke doesn't really care he was looking anywhere but Sakura's direction, Karen both arms folded and Naruto clenching both fists "oh, what's going on?" Kakashi asks scratching his head.

Sakura smiled at Kakashi as she pulled him down by the collar and giving him a kiss on the cheek "Ah?" Kakashi says.

Everyone wide eyed stared at Sakura as she brought something out of her pocket and held Kakashi's hand she brought it up in front of her and slid a piece of paper in his hands.

A photo of team 7 Kakashi looked at Sakura, she looked up at him and said "Goodbye Kakashi sensei............I quit team 7" .

Wohooo I had fun writing this I hope you guys do too I meant you read it not write it. Aha

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