Chapter 22

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


"Somethings happening this year," I mumbled to George as we got onto the train.

Bill had just told him that this year'd be interesting, and that he may be able to visit.

"Tell me about it. This is the millionth time I've heard someone talk about this year being interesting," George sighed.

I nodded in agreement. Mum had said something about it a few times, and I heard Remus mention it when he visited over the summer.

"Are you sitting with us?" George asked.

I shook my head sadly. "I think I'll sit with the girls."

George nodded, waving goodbye and making his way to the usual compartment.

I turned and went the opposite direction, where us girls usually sat. I knocked softly before sliding the door open.

Angelina and Katie were in there, but there was no sign of Alicia.

"Scar!" Katie exclaimed, jumping up to hug me. Angelina followed shortly, hugging me tightly.
"How was your summer?" Angelina asked me.

I huffed, taking a seat. "Awful. Yours?"

"It was alright," Angelina shrugged. "But you should hear about Katie's."

Angelina grinned at Katie, who started blushing profusely.

"You're blushing! Why are you blushing?!" I asked excitedly.

Katie avoided eye contact, looking everywhere but at me.

"Oh go on!" Angelina pushed.

Katie took a deep breath before speaking, "I kinda sorta met a guy..."

I screamed in excitement, jumping up and down.

"Oh you're so grown up!" I exclaimed, squeezing her tightly. "When do we get to meet him?!"

"I don't know," Katie shrugged. "He doesn't go here. Actually, he's a Muggle."

I gasped. "You rebel."

She rolled her eyes at me.

"I'm happy for you, Katie," I said honestly.

She smiled brightly, sitting back down and getting comfortable.

"So where's Alicia," I questioned after awhile.
"Take a guess," Angelina laughed.
"With Lee?" I sighed. She responded with a nod.
"I'm kinda jealous," I admitted.
"Of?" Katie asked.
"Alicia's got a boyfriend, you've found a guy you like, Angelina's bound to find someone soon," I explained.
"Um, must I remind you how much you love Fred, and how much I know he loves you too," Katie scoffed.

I frowned, thinking back to the kiss.

"I don't know anymore. I'm kind of giving up hope," I stated sadly.
"Really?" Angelina asked, sitting up slightly.

Dancing In The Storm •Fred Weasley•Where stories live. Discover now