Chapter 25

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•This story takes scenes from the Harry Potter series. I want to make it clear that I don't own those scenes. That's owned by
J.K. Rowling. Thank you•


"You reckon we could find a place in Diagon Alley?" George pondered, furrowing his eyebrows in deep thought.

"I wouldn't hold your breath, but possibly," Lee shrugged. "Though we may have better luck in Hogsmeade. Or any other village really."

We had been discussing what would hopefully be our future joke shop for a few hours now. Just sitting around in the guys's dormitory, talking about places and different products.

"What about a name?" I asked, leaning against the headboard on Fred's bed. Something I always did, and figured I'd do now as we were pretending everything was normal.

It had only been a few days since we agreed to continue being friends, and it wasn't going all that well. Things were still pretty awkward, and it was only getting worse.

"It should have something to do with you two," Lee decided, "like have 'Weasley' in it or something!"

Fred and George both shook their heads.

"But you two obviously aren't Weasleys'," Fred sighed.

"So?" I asked, agreeing with Lee. "You two are what's making this happen. It's going to be your shop."

"No, it'll be our shop," George stated, waving his hand around at us all. "You and Lee will own it just as much as Fred and I will."

"And that's saying if we actually get to do this," Fred added.

Lee and I looked at each other, as if having a silent conversation, before turning back to the twins.

"Nope," I denied, shaking my head.

"This was all your two's idea," Lee pointed out. "You'll own it."

Fred and George both rolled their eyes. "We'll have this conversation when we actually have it."

Lee and I both sighed, knowing there was no winning with them.

"So what are guys doing for the Triwizard Tournament?" Lee asked, turning his attention to the twins.

"We're working on that Aging Potion at the moment," George replied, grinning at Fred.

"It's so going to work," Fred grinned back.

I rolled my eyes, knowing it wasn't going to work but also knowing there was no talking them out of it.

"Are there any products so far we know work?" I asked, changing the subject back to the joke shop.

"We know the Ton-Tongue Toffee works," Fred laughed, the rest of us laughing at the story they had told us of Dudley.

"And we've had a small idea," George added.

Lee and I both nodded, signaling him to continue.

"We thought about having a box of sweets that make you temporarily ill so that you can get out of class. If that makes sense?" Fred attempted to explain.

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