Chapter 3

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"Aria," Lexis whispered raggedly.

"What were you thinking of Lexis? What got you so aroused," Aria hissed in her ear, biting her earlobe as she traced her finger gently along Lexis's slick lips.

"Unh!" Lexis let out a loud moan as Aria's finger brushed her sensitive bundle of nerves.

"Tell me my pet," Aria said pushing her body harder against Lexis's.

"Oh god! You! I was thinking of you!"

She felt Aria smirk... The asari turned Lexis around and pressed her lips to hers as she pushed two fingers inside her. Aria carried Lexis over to the bed and laid her down on it. She straddled her and began pulling the young human's clothes off.

"I'm gonna make you scream," Aria hissed in Lexis's ear.


When Lexis woke the next morning, she found Aria's arm wrapped around her waist and her head against Aria's naked chest. Lexis felt pleasure rush through her again as she remembered every little pleasure filled detail from the night before. Lexis moved to get out of bed but Aria pulled her down on top of her.

"And just where are you going," Aria purred.

Lexis blushes hard and tried but found she couldn't look Aria in the face without blushing all over again. Aria's fingers traced Lexis's collarbone. Then she grabbed her chin between her thumb and forefinger and kissed her deeply. The asari's hand went between the human's legs and Lexis's response was a loud moan.

Just as Aria was going to pleasure her more both their omni-tools lit up.

"Aria! We got a big problem! We need you down in Afterlife, now," Bray said frantically over the omni-tools.

Aria sighed, "Alright, Bray, I'll be right there."

Their omni-tools vanished and Aria kissed Lexis again.

"We'll finish this later I suppose," Aria said with a smirk.

Lexis groaned, but got up and ran into her room to change. Lexis got her armor on quickly and went down to Afterlife with Aria, acting as the warlord's bodyguard. When they reached Afterlife, Bray's men were rushing around. The front doors were being pounded on but Bray's men had barricaded the door.

"What the hell is going on, Bray,"Aria asked, her temper flaring.

"Cerberus! They're making an attempt to take Omega! The mercs are holding them off as best they can but Cerberus is stronger than we thought," Bray said.

Aria smirked, "They don't know about my secret weapon."

Lexis looked at her confused and Bray glanced at the human and then looked back at Aria.

"You sure she's ready?"

"Positive. Lexis, you lead a team of men up on the roof tops. Bray and I will handle things here, you take them out from behind. You know you're training, if you can, take out their leader."

Lexis put her helmet on, "Yes ma'am."

Just as Lexis turned to get to her assignment Aria grabbed her wrist. She made a gesture with her head at Bray, signaling him to leave. Aria closed the distance between their faces.

"Prove me right... Show me you can be a Dog of War, a dog that can't be put down," Aria whispered, then pressed her lips to Lexis's.

Lexis kissed her back and then Aria pulled away giving her an unreadable look. Lexis made it to the rooftops with about ten of Bray's men with her. They were able to get around to the back of the Cerberus charge. Lexis gave the signal and they started taking out the Cerberus troops. But even more of them came pouring out of the docking bay. Bray's men were slaughtered in just a few minutes. Lexis got down behind cover, realizing how strong the Cerberus troops were.

I'm not giving up, she thought. For Aria!

Lexis jumped out of her cover and started firing off rounds, and when Cerberus troops decided to get too close, she'd take them down with her omni-blade. Within just a few minutes, she had taken out of third of the enemy. Her armor was streaked with blood, but she didn't care. This blood shed was for Aria.

A woman in a sexy form fitting white jumpsuit came out of the docking bay. Her blue eyes were captivating and her dark hair came to her shoulders. The Cerberus mark was on her uniform, and Lexis could tell this woman was important.

She's the leader of this assault, Lexis thought.

Lexis took down another third of the troops left and she rushed the woman. If she could take out the leader, the rest would retreat. She jumped and aimed to strike the woman down with her omni-blade. But this woman was more than she expected... Her fists glowed blue and with a wave of her arm Lexis was thrown into the wall, hard.

But Lexis got right back up. She pulled three smoke grenades from her belt and threw them at the Cerberus woman. The young human rushed into the smoke, omni-blade at the ready. When she could tell the woman was right in front of her, she struck. The woman took a sharp intake of breath as the blade ripped through her side.

Lexis's breath caught in her throat when she felt the woman's grip on her arm. There was sudden pressure on her elbow. Right away she knew what the woman was going to do.

"Wrong move, it's over," the woman said with an Australian accent.

The pressure on her elbow increased and Lexis's arm snapped, sending her to her knees crying out in pain. The smoke cleared and the woman pulled her pistol off her hip while dragging Lexis by the collar of her armor with her other hand.

There was a fierce yell and Aria T'Loak came charging down the stairs of Afterlife, throwing Cerberus troops aside like rag dolls with her biotics. The woman holding a disoriented Lexis, took a few shots with her pistol but it did no good.

"Let her go," Aria yelled as she jumped and tried to get a hit to the woman.

The woman dodged out of the way.

"Well Aria, it seems this girl is important to you. All the more reason for Cerberus to have her."

"Damn you!"

The woman signaled the remaining troops to attack Aria. While they kept her busy, the woman dragged Lexis onto her shuttle and left. Lexis was in a seat in the back but she was slipping out of consciousness because of shock.

"This is Miranda Lawson. Tell the Illusive Man that I'm inbound to his base. I have a 'package' to deliver."

That was the last thing Lexis heard as she lost consciousness.



Bray flinched as one of his men was thrown into the wall by Aria's biotics.

"Find her Bray! You hear me?!"

"Yes ma'am."

Bray took his leave before Aria decided to throw HIM into the wall. Aria was livid, she looked out over Omega from her penthouse.

No one takes my possessions from me, she thought with clenched fists.

Cerberus will pay!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2014 ⏰

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