It seems I'm on the spectrum of socially awkward

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Being alone with my Mother in any situation is unpleasant. Being in a car after insulting her then kicking someone in school is painful. I slouch lower in my seat, wondering how to begin apologising. I sigh internally, knowing full well stalling wouldn’t do any good.

“I’m sorry Mother,” I blurt, in a hurry to get past the sap and down to business.

“About what, exactly?” Her response was cold and curt and I cringe, oh Mary, she was not in a good mood.

“About everything,” my words blend together in an almost unintelligible mush, “about kicking that moron Kirk over in class, about eating a whole tub of ice-cream yesterday, about putting dead fish in Hadley’s bed, about accidentally blowing up the fridge, about saying those things to you about Jay when I know they aren’t true-“

“Yes they are,” she replies, clearing choosing to ignore my other confessions.


“They were true, everything you said.” Her voice is still deathly calm but I can see that it’s hard for her to keep up the pretence as her jaws ticks.

“Jay…Jay cheated on you?” I demand incredulously, I’d simply intended on hurting her when I said it, I’d never expected it to be true.

“Yes, with a Single.”

“I-I’m sorry, I had no idea, and…” I take a deep breath, and put all my sincerity into the next words, “I understand why you did it, and I was in no position to accuse you falsely.” Ugh, that sound so formal.

Her lips quirk slightly and she momentarily glances at me, her eyes warmer than they’ve ever been, “And I should have thought more about how you and Hadley would feel, now, what do you want?”

I give her a startled look and she laughs shortly, “You only ever act this contrite when you want something Ariana.”

I flush sheepishly, pleased she was back to her somewhat more talkative self. “Well, my friends and I were thinking of setting up a café and club sort of thing for students to hang out at and…well, we need funding’s.”

She was quiet for a long moment before saying, “Friends?”

“I have friends Mother!” I reply indignantly.

“Right, fine. How much do you need?”

I blink in momentary shock before saying, “I’m not sure…can I tell you after I scout the place out tomorrow?”

“Of course, however I won’t be home, you’ll have to send me the details.”

“Where are you going?” I ask in surprise as we pulled up to my house, she’d only just got home.

“A research centre, I’m meeting other councillors to go over the latest simulations.”

“Oh cool,” I sigh enviously as we walk inside, only to see my other parents in a full on make-out session. “Ew, gross! I am so mentally scarred for life.” They jerk apart in surprise and Mum blushes in embarrassment.

“Oh, Ariana, we were…uh, working out details for your party,” she stutters while my Father walks past, smacking her playfully on the bottom on the way out of the room.

“Unless you plan on surprising me with a baby sister, I suggest you work on other details,” I say dryly, walking over to the fridge.

“Ariana, don’t-“ My Mum’s warning cry comes too late and with a yank I pull open the door, only to hear a muffled boom and be splattered by disgusting gloop.

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