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After a few minutes, the boys and I gathered on the living room floor. We were up to play a game of spin the bottle. The game lasted for a few hours. "My turn to spin" I spin the bottle and it lands on Jin. "Ok Jin. Truth or Date?" He looks at me with utter kindness. "I would love a dare." "Ok then, I dare you to do 10 push-ups with one of us on your back." "Ok then. I choose yoongi." Jin dragged yoongi to his little area and once Jin was in position, yoongi went on top of him and without shaking or falling, he did them. "I'm impressed Jin." They returned to the circle and Jin spun the bottle. It landed on me. "Ok my darling,-" "Whatever" I rolled my eyes. "Truth or dare?" "I choose dare." Inside, I was dying. I was afraid that they would choose a date that would include something I don't want to do. Jin thought of something, giving himself the 'lightbulb' face and whispered his idea to Namjoon and Jimin. They nodded in a yes motion. Oh god. "Ok Miracle, I- I mean we dare you to go on a date with all of us." I thought, WHAT IN THE FRICKING FRACKING DOODLES DID I DO. I asked "what do you mean?" Namjoon responded "you know, we all go on a date with you. Separately, of course." "Ok, I'm perfectly fine with that, but you guys have to decide when that will be another time." I turned to the clock. 1:45pm. I realized that I have to go to my dorm to pick up all of my stuff. "Hey guys, can we pick this up later, I have to go pick up my belongings from the dorm." "Sure, do you mind if we come with you?" I wondered why, but I didn't want to go alone. "Sure why not. Let's go." We all rose and went to the car. I sat next to Yoongi this time. His manly cologne smelled of a man I guess. Like a handsome one that you see wearing a cool tux everywhere. I started day dreaming with the smell of his scent, and before I knew it, we were at the dorm. I already had so many boxes to put things in, but I know I couldn't carry them alone.

So. Many. Boxes. While the boys were helping me throw away gross books. I come upon a picture of my parents and I. I was 16, and my parents were cool and happy. I tried to keep my tears in my eyes, and put it in my backpack. Then I looked at my blue cap and gown. And the black dress I was going to wear under it. "Looks like you're wearing this to graduation tomorrow right?" I looked behind me, it was yoongi. "Yeah. I think I'm going to bring it with me." Yoongi brought me a box with a marker, writing 'graduation' on it. I couldn't believe I was going to graduate without my parents.

The packing was finally done and we put the important boxes in the back of the car. I sat next to Jimin, and we talked for a bit, giggles and laughs here and there, until we finally got to the apartment. I tried carrying a box, problem is, it was a bit heavy. I was turning into the leaning tower of Pisa. I almost fell until I fell into jungkook's arms. "Thanks for saving my life." I laughed. He gave that bunny smile of his, and he helped me carry it to the room. "That's the last of it." It was only 6 boxes, 5 filled with clothes, the other with stuff.  I checked the time on my phone and it was only 4:30pm. I went to go make the boys lunch. Tacos, my moms favorite. I asked Jin to help me decide what type I should make. "Hmm, I really like shrimp. Do you make shrimp tacos?" I looked at him straight in the eyes "of course I do." "I know Namjoon likes steak, and maybe chicken for the others." "Ok then, if you wanna help me make-" "OF COUR- mhm sorry, of course, I would love to help you." I looked t him and cupped his face, teasing him as if I were going to kiss him. "Ok then, we'll start my cleaning the shrimp, cutting the steak and chicken."

We finally finished making them and it was taco-galore. The boys devoured them while I was only on my second. "They were delicious," said Jimin. "If only you guys tried my mothers'. They were the best tacos in the world." I looked down at my plate, remembering the memories of my mother serving them to me...

I got home from school at 6:21pn. I was only in middle school, 8th grade, and stayed in school for 11 hours, just so I can study for the big test the next day. My momma was cooking steak and black beans. She was perfect back then. Healthy and happy. I gave her a kiss on the cheek while she was washing the plates. "How was your day mija?" I put down the heavy bookbag. "Stressful ma. Ima go take a quick shower." "Ok princess but don't take too long." "I'll try." We both giggled. I went in the bathroom and looked at the mirror above the sink. I looked at my self. I started tearing up, remembering when my father was home. That day, my father wasn't home, because he was at the hospital for his chemotherapy. He went early and doesn't come for maybe a week of so...
I took off my clothes and entered the shower. The cold water went dripping from my hair, leaving a chill go down my spine. I turned it to the hot side but all I got was warm water. It's fine. Atleast it's something. I finished my bath and went back to my room, choosing what to wear to sleep. I grabbed a dog onesie I bought for pajama day and just brushed my hair so it wouldn't get tied up. I sat down and ate the food with my mother. She looked worn out. "You look tired momma" I muffled, stuffing my mouth with the mouth-watering steak that almost melted in my mouth. "I am, we worked a lot today." "When we finish eating, go straight to bed, ok?" She looked at me "of course mija." The beans were to die for, and the best yet. I miss those times.

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