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"Yes?" I turn around, I hear the knob turn. It's Jin. "Hey..." his blonde hair shines. So good looking damn .
"How've you been?" His lips so pink, big, pure.
"I've been ok. You guys have been putting me in the best of moods though. I wish I met you guys earlier in my life." I stare at the view. Jin softly placed his right hand under my chin and turns my head to face him. His big lips smile. "You're a beautiful girl, I too wish we met each other before." He moves his hand toward my hand, and holds it. "I want you to be happy. I'm always here for you." He says keeping eye contact. He leans in and softly kisses my cheek. I felt a tingly sensation go through my body. Jin kisses you. He kept my hand in his, and stares at each other. He smiles, and smile, and blush. We heard footsteps, and quickly 'acted natural' just looking at the view, while Jungkook enters the room. Wow, such a moment.
"Hey guys! We're going to a fancy dinner later, so y'all wanna come?" We reply at the same time "of course! Jinx!" We giggle and Jungkook looks at us weirdly. "Well then, uh I'll see y'all later." He leaves the room, and I remembered "wait I have nothing to wear. I should go home." I stand up and I feel jin grab my wrist. "No, wait, you're going alone?" "Yeah, it's a normal for me." "No i am not letting you go in your own after what just happened. I'll go with you." "Fine." We walk through the living watching everyone looking at the tv, Jimin staring at me, as I open the door, "and where do you think y'all are going?" Jimin says with sass. "I'm taking Miracle to her dorm, so she can go get dressed for the dinner later, I-" "I'll come with then." V interrupts. "Me too" Jimin also jumps in. "Well then, we'll all go. You four staying right?" "Yupp, I need my nap." Yoongi laying on the bed , a lazy bean.
We get to my dorm, and I had my dorm to myself. My roommate graduated last year, so now I have the entire place to myself , for like the next week. They sit on my couch and I went to my walk in closet. I grabbed like 5 outfits to try them on. I went to the bathroom to change. I first put on this black tight dress.

 I first put on this black tight dress

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With a silver choker. Of course. I walk out to the boys. Jin's jaw drops, and Jimin bites his lower lip. V is just stunned. "You look gorgeous" Jimin whispers. I do a little turn and stand in front of the mirror. It shows off my curves and makes me look good. "It's perfect for you." The thing is, it's my graduation dress. "Maybe not this one." I say. "I'm going to go change. Jin can you help me put the zipper down." I show my back and he puts it down a bit. "Thanks :)". I then change to this red dress.

 I then change to this red dress

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I felt better in this dress. I haven't worn it a lot, only to my Valentine's Day dance. I walked out. "This is the one." V stands up as I look at my self in the mirror. He places his head on my left shoulder and puts his arms around my waist. "This is the one that makes you look stunning." I blush :). Jimin: "hey hey hey hey, back off." "What are you guys dating?" Silence ran through the room "guess not. Cmon. It's already 5, and the dinner is at 7, we gotta be atleast half an hour early!" V hurries while I get left behind to put on some black flats. A girl like me can't walk heels, I can't even walk normally , lol. Jimin whispers in my ear and holds my hand. "You look beautiful as ever." Ahhh I'm freaking out mannn

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