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I finished my plate of 3 tacos, while the others ate so many more. I went to wash the dishes and found Jin grabbing a glass of water, while the others watching The Walking Dead. "Hey Miracle." "Hey." I took a quick glance at him while I continued to clean. "I was thinking about how our date should be." I finished cleaning the last dish. " what were you thinking?" I sat at the counter, with him to my side, looking to me eye to eye. "Well do you like amusement parks?" I looked at him with the biggest smile, showing off my inner kid. "Yes of course!!" We softly put us hand over my hand, gently holding it, "The I guess that is what our date will be." I nodded in agreement. And we just stood there, conversing. Giggles and laughter here and there. Blushing and touched, ahhhh. "Jin, I'll be right back, I have to hang up my cap and gown." I walked to my room, but I felt him following me. I opened the box that said 'GRADUATION' and grabbed the black dress I was going to wear, and hung it up in my closet. We both looked at it. "Jin, do you think it's too, I don't know, promiscuous?" He looked at the dress, and took a glance at me. "Nah, I think it would look perfect on you." He wrapped his arms around my waist, laying his head on my shoulder. I pecked his cheek. "You're so adorable jinnie. And you're supposed to be the oldest." I giggled and stood there with a pouted face. "What? Am I not aloud to be cute because I'm older?" I turned around and gave him the biggest hug ever, telling him , "it don't matter to me," and pecked him ever so softly on his lips. His cheeks started to blush, with a little tint of pink. I walked away to hang up my gown.

It was 7:30pm.
It was getting late. I didn't know what else to do but scroll through social media. The boys were playing card games and watching tv, while I was just on my bed, scrolling through pictures. I came across this picture. It was me, with my father, on a roller coaster in Six Flags New England. The Superman ride. That one was our favorite. We would go on it every time we went to six flags. Him screaming, me smiling. Yeah. The happiness. I miss that. But ever since I met these boys, that happiness came back. Something about them brought me that same positivity that I once had. Their smiles put me in good spirits, their jokes and laughs cheerful, and I'm so fortunate to meet people like them.

I realized that my graduation is tomorrow, and it was 8:12pm. I went to the living room, and asked the boys a question they might say yes to. "So you guys know how I'm graduation tomorrow, well..." I sat next to them on the floor. "I was wondering if you guys would like to come and watch." Namjoon looked at me with his radiant eyes, and screamed "of course!!" Jin scooted next to me, to tackle me on the floor, yet at the same time, hug me so tightly. "Where is your ceremony going to be at?" Yoongi questioned as he held his cards in his hand. "At Columbia University" "you went there?!" I nodded. "I read in an article that that school is very hard to get into." I looked at Yoongi with utter confidence. "I guess I was smart enough." I stood up and went to my room. I sat down on my bed, and watched as the sun set. I felt foot steps coming, it was Jimin. "It's been a long time since we've been together, alone." I turned around to look at him. His beautiful hair, so fluffy and soft. His lips so pink and plumped. His smile. His eyes. He sat down next to me why hugging me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "I miss this." He laid his head on my shoulder. "I don't know what I could ever to with you Jimin." Our foreheads we're against each other, and just smiling and giggling. He winked at me. Leaving me out of breath. "Chimmy! You almost gave me a heart attack." "You're so cute." "I know." I pecked him lightly on his cheek. It was awkward silence, while I was still in his arms. He broke the silence. "Sooo, I've been thinking about how we should spend our date." I cocked my head to the side a bit, acting curious. "We go to a beach. And, you know, watch the sunset, get some ice cream. You know, a casual date." I imagined it, it looked beautiful. Him and I, sitting on the soft sand, our hands locked, and the kiss that would last an eter- "Miracle? Helloooo?!" He waved his hand in front of my face. "What? Oh sorry I was day dreaming." I rubbed the back of my neck, acting a bit embarrassed. I turned my back on him, and looked outside. The beautiful world of the outside. Though New York is very violent, it has its good things about it. It's very beautiful at night when the buildings light up and the Empire State Building shows it colors. Jimin got up and and stood in front of me, and went to his knees. He put his head down on my thighs, but I cupped his face has he pouted. "I want attention." "I know you do." I snuggled him. He's so soft man. I could stay in his arms forever. But I know the day will come when I will have to choose a boyfriend that will last me a lifetime.

It was 9:47pm. I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth to go to bed. I know tomorrow is going to be a long day. When I finished, I went to the living room to tell the boys goodnight, today, Namjoon decided to bring me to my room. He said he wanted to talk.

"Miracle, do you think Friday is a good day for us to go on a date?" Turned my head to make eye contact. He gave me that cute little smile he always gives me, that makes his dimples sink in, making me blush. "Yup. I'm free." His hand met mine, and our fingers intertwined. "It's going to be a surprise." "Ok then." I went to lay down in my bed. Namjoon followed. I turned my phone on and put an alarm for 8:00am. My graduation was at midday but I need time to get ready. I laid down, and I stare at the ceiling. Namjoon breaks the silence. "Do you have a boyfriend?" I turned my head to him. "Nope. I mean if I did, I would have never come here." "Ahh makes sense." Under the blanket, his hand meets my waist, and starts hugging me against his warm, stern chest. We started to cuddle. It was going to be a long night. "Namjoon, you're a slick one." "I know."

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