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We left to go back to the boys' apartment. They went to their rooms and I waited in the living room for them. The first one out, Jungkook. He's so adorable. Black jeans, and a black and white flannel that makes him look good. He puts a smile on my face. "How do I look" he said, I replied "fantastic! You are truly adorable in anything. Cute as a button!" I *boop* his nose, making his cheeks turn pink, and a great big teeth smile.

After a few, I don't know, 10 minutes, Namjoon and Jhope come out. Namjoon wearing black dress pants, with a red button down, tucked in. To be honest, he was very good looking. I mean he always looks good looking. Especially the first time we met. Ahh best day ever. GET BACK TO REALITY. Jhope wearing a pair of jeans with a black button down, not tucked in. I thought ,{ KEEP IT TOGETHER MIRACLE } . I stand up, "you guys look amazing! Namjoon let me help you, you missing a place to tuck it in." I walked over and tucked in his shirt where is right hip was. "Thanks, you look amazing as well!" Flattered, blushing , a lot. " thanks Namjoon." "Hey look! You both are matching!" Jhope took notice and saw that the reds from my dress and namjoons shirt with the same color. " now people will know your my date." "You mean OUR date." It was Jimin. Standing against the wall, looking amazing as ever. Wearing black dress pants, a blue button down, and a black bow tie. "Wow Jimin. You went all out." I was there, stunned, with my mouth open. He walked up to me, I felt his body warmth get closer and closer. Our faces were inches apart. He put a finger under my chin to slowly close my mouth. He got near my ear. He whispered, "just for you, my love." I blushed, and he ever so slightly kissed my cheek, an angel's kiss perhaps? No , 100x more angelic than that. "Hey back off. She's being my date." It was a jinx between Jin and Tae. They both came closer to me, and greeted me. Jin slowly grabbed my hand, and delicately kissed my hand. He was like a prince. My prince. His broad shoulders make me melt, one of those things that just make you, I dunno, MAKE YOU WANNA MAKE OUT WITH HIM. Tae came forward and wrapped on arm around my waist and put his other hand on my cheek. "You look amazing, princess." I blushed and he gave me a hug. He's so soft and cuddly. Suga came out from his room, not really caring what's happening, and just tells me a nice compliment. "You look nice Miracle." "Thanks, I mean I try. Uh guys- we should probably get going,the dinner is at 7:30 and it's 6 right now. Let's go." We walked down to the car, where Jin and Jungkook sat in front. In the middle was Jhope, Suga, and Namjoon. Then all the way in the back was myself, sitting in between Tae and Jimin. "Put on your seatbelts." Jin exclaims. "Yes mom" Suga says, and everyone starts giggling. Jin starts driving and we're on the road.

Tae was looking out of the window while Jimin and I were  making eye contact. I would smile, he would smirk, and bite his bottom lip. So. Freaking. Fracking. Sexy. He slowly moves his hand to mine, and before you know it, before I know it, we were holding hands, and I felt so happy. The happiest of happy times. We finally get to the fancy place, and we disconnected our hands, leaving him with a pouting face, I looked to him, "We'll continue this tomorrow." We set to the table. A round circular table. I sit down first, and everyone was discussing who would sit next to me. Boys, boys just being boys. I hear them whispering "ok , Jhope and I, (jk) haven't had much time with her, so it will be me and Jhope, and then Namjoon across from her. Deal?" They settled and Jhope sat to my right, the it was Jimin and Jin , Namjoon across from me, then Tae and Suga, and Jungkook sitting to my left. They passed us the menus. The waiter comes up to us, "have you decided on what you guys would like to drink?" "I'll have a Coca Cola please !" "Actually," It was suga. "Bring one for all of us." "I'll be right on it !" The waiter left walking swiftly and we, the table, kept conversing , deciding what we were eating for lunch. "What are you getting Miracle?" I looked at Jhope, flashing him the biggest smile. "I'm going to get the macaroni and cheese. I'm a child, I know,-" "here, it's only GOURMET macaroni and cheese. So I guess you can say you're a fancier child." I giggled, he giggled. The waiter came by , "I'll get the macaroni and cheese, -" "make that two," Jungkook delivered it with confidence. This boy just keeps getting cuter and cuter." The rest ordered their order, and they said it would be out in about 10 minutes. Jin reciting his dad jokes, and suga with Namjoon and Tae, laughing their heads off. Jhope and Jimin were talking about their next dance song, and Jungkook and I were just sitting there. "So... Jungkook...." "I'm sorry Miracle, I just wanted to tell you that you look amazing, and I haven't been able to stop looking at you." I stood there, stunned. "Thanks Jungkook, you're very sweet. You're also very adorable." I softly pinch his cheeks. "Thanks.." he places his hand on mine, and moves my hand to his cheek, holding it there, and rubbing it. The food came, and I was hungry.

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