Tommy [20:58]
Oh my God, it feels like it's derailing!Mom [20:58]
I'm sure it's nothing, sweetie.Tommy [20:59]
How can it be nothing?Tommy [21:00]
What did they say, Mom?Tommy [21:01]
Where is this train going?Mom [21:01]
They haven't found which train it is yet.Mom [21:03]
Keep talking to me!Tommy [21:03]
What do you mean they haven't found it yet?Tommy [21:04]
It's going at a crazy speed.Tommy [21:04]
And I don't think it's on a track anymore!!Mom [21:05]
They'll find it, sweetie. Hang tight!Tommy [21:06]
Mom, I see something!Tommy [21:06]
It's a lake or the ocean.Tommy [21:06]
I can't tell whichTommy [21:07]
There's a lot of water though.Mom [21:07]
Let me tell them that.Mom [21:08]
Keep looking out of the window and tell me what you see.Tommy [21:09]
We're crossing a bridge. It's foggy.Tommy [21:10]
There's a white light.Tommy [21:10]
Oh my God, I'm so scared.————————————————————
For a minute Tommy had to realise what just happend. And when he realised what just happened he texed his mom.
The last stop
Short StoryPaint this; you're stuck on a train. A crazy train. Your mother doesn't believe you and thinks you smoked weed or something. There is nobody else on the train except for the ticket collector who disappeared. The speed is going faster and faster, y...