Prologue: The New Avenger

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(Y/N)'s POV

"Everyone, I want you all to give a warm welcome to the newest and official addition to the team." My dad, the one and only Tony Stark, starts off dramatically making everyone in the room roll their eyes. We are all just hanging out in the living room at the Avengers Compound which is kind of weird. This is the first time in a while that we've all had free time. It feels good to not have people shooting a deadly blue sky beam into the air. "You all know him and can mildly tolerate him, it's Spiderboy."

"Spiderman!" I hear the voice of the only person I know who is the same age as me making a large smile form on my face. My cheeks begin to heat up when the boy with curly brown hair and a dazzling smile. Our eyes meet and he gives me a small wave which I return meekly. I'm so caught in gazing at him with hearts in my eyes that I almost miss seeing him get elbowed by my dad. "I-I mean I'm really thankful for this opportunity Mr.Stark."

"I thought you didn't want to be an Avenger. You said you wanted to focus on just looking after the little guys." I say making everyone turn their attention towards me. I suddenly feel like I might have said something wrong making me instantly nervous which shows in the way I rub my arm and fidget around a bit. "I-I don't mean to be rude but why did you make this sudden change?"

"Oh, I think I'm ready for the big leagues now. Not to mention, we can do more of our signature team-ups! That's always fun."

"Those are the best." I completely ignore everyone else in the room and just stare at Peter with a smile that is probably creepy looking but I don't care. "It's always fun hanging out with you, Pete."

"Uh, yeah." He scratches the back of his neck and gives me a bashful smile that compliments his personality perfectly. "I love hanging out with you. I always think about you, I mean I always think about our missions."

"Yeah, I do too."

"You two do realize you're having a public conversation, so you might want to cool it with the flirting." Sam says while making kissing noises which causes both of us to hang our heads in shame but doesn't stop me from flipping him off. "Can we get back to watching this cheesy show's teen romance instead of these two."

"You're just jealous that a 16-year-old is more likely to get a girlfriend before you ever do, Sam." Natasha says sarcastically making Peter and I both chuckle at her sass.

"No daughter of mine will be dating as long as I live!" My dad says making me pinch the bridge of my nose as he continues to do his job of embarrassing me to death. He glares at Peter who looks at me concerned. "She will remain a virgin for as long as Steve has, you got that Parker?"

"I think that this relationship is what you mortals call 'couple goals'," Thor says ignoring my dad with a large smile completely unaware of how embarrassing this is for the both of us. "I am looking forward to the wedding. I will gladly be the man of spiders 'best man' too!"

"We are not getting married!" I burst out embarrassed. Although it would be nice if one day, Peter and I were to ... Wait no! Stop thinking that (Y/N)! You will die alone with a thousand cats. "Can we just continue talking about how Peter is a new member of the Avengers!? This is a time of celebration, not humiliation!"

"I think it's a great idea to have Peter on this team. He's got a good heart and his powers are very impressive." Steve stands up and pats Peter on the shoulder making Peter's smile grow. I can tell that he is trying his best to not to fanboy at the fact that Captain America just complimented him. It's hard to suppress my grin at how cute he is. "Although you're still a kid, are you sure you want to do something as dangerous as become an Avenger?"

"I'm positive." He looks at me the entire time he says that making my heart flutter and my mind wondering why he was looking at me but I'm not complaining. "I've thought about this a lot and I know this is what I want to do."

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