Chapter 1: The Masters Of Evil

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(Y/N)'s POV

"As we speak a group of villains are raiding an old S.H.I.E.L.D facility that stores some of the most advanced technology that S.H.I.E.L.D has ever developed. It may not be as advanced as the stuff at Stark industries but it still poses a threat." Steve says as my dad pulls up a holographic image of the base. It looks like it's in some forest and it looks like a small innocent cabin but looks can be deceiving. "They call themselves the Masters of Evil and no one knows what they are after but we can tell that they are enhanced beings."

"The Masters of Evil? Sounds friendly." Peter whispers into my ear making me smirk lightly. "Who came up with such a cheesy name?"

"They could be after anything and worse of all they can be anyone." Natasha continues where Steve left off. She gives Peter and me a glare telling us to take the situation seriously. I mean, I know we won't but I can at least pretend. "They could be after the missiles, guns, armoured vehicles or some of the leftover alien technology from New York."

"Whatever they're after we need to stop them before they get it." Steve says with a serious look on his face. He crosses his arms over his chest and begins to ponder as he maneuvers the holographic image awkwardly to reveal the base that is hidden underneath the cabin. My eyes go wide at the large bass that looks just as big a warehouse. "We will need to split up into groups to cover all the ground and to try to find them."

"Anybody have any questions?" Steve says making everyone look at each other seeing if anyone would raise their hands. Nobody does so or makes any inclination that they have a question, leaving the room in complete silence waiting for Steve's orders. "Alright, let's move out. Avengers Assemble."

"He said the words!" Peter whispers into my ear making me smile and roll my eyes. I'm going to have to deal with this for a while now. "I know you're judging me right now but this is honestly so cool."

"Whatever, just don't let your fanboying distract you from the mission," I say as I watch the other Avengers get out of their seats and head to where the Quinjet is. Peter and I both get out of our own chair and follow close behind. I make sure no one can see us when I entwine our hands. "I'm going to be counting on you to watch my back."

"Don't worry, your friendly neighbourhood Spiderman will be making sure you survive to see our date on Friday and the other ones to come."

~Time Skip~

"This place is huge!" Peter says as we look around the giant compound that was hidden underneath a cute looking cabin. I was glad that Steve chose Peter to be my partner, it's fun watching him swing around letting out the occasional joke and we also make a pretty good team. Peter lands next to me making me raise an eyebrow which he can't see because of my suit. "Where should we go for our first date?"

"Are we seriously talking about this right now?" I ask as I shake my head and continue to walk throughout the compound. There are so many crates stacked on each other filled with weapons but no signs of any criminals. "We are in the middle of a mission."

"Yeah, but I don't see no bad guys." He moves his head to look all over the place. "So what do you say about pizza? Or maybe some Thai?"

"Oh, I like the idea of pizza." We turn our heads to see who just talked to us. We both let out a sigh relief when I see that it's just Clint. With him is also Natasha, Sam and Steve. "Why are you two talking about dinner already? Did you not tell the new kid that Wednesdays are always reserved for burgers?"

"What are you guys doing here?" I ask completely ignoring Clint as I look at them with confused eyes. "We went in completely different directions."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2018 ⏰

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