School:We meet again

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(Authors note: This story will have cussing and I am telling you this if you are not aware that southpark involves cussing and 13+stuff so if you are comfortable with cussing and 13+up stuff then I hope you enjoy this story 📖!!!!!) Y/ns POV I woke up in the morning just like the rest ( to the sound of my alarm) I shoved my bed covers off my body and I walked over to my wardrobe drawer./closet Hmm what to wear.? I decided to wear something casual and not become too formal with this occasion and I was also aware of the fact that the weather was so fucking cold today.!! I decided to wear my fluffy f/c coat, sweats, and boots. I didn't apply makeup since it didn't seem necessary at the moment. I ate my favorite breakfast and pet my 🐱cat /dog 🐶. While I grabbed my backpack and keys to the house I said goodbye to my mom and left(she was asleep) I walked on the front steps of my home closing the door behind me. I checked my phone staring at the time. 7: 30 class starts at 8: 00 so I had enough time to get to school. But then it hit me like a brick. Isn't there a school bus? And it comes at 7: 40? I ran at the direction of a bus stop. I saw 4 boys one of them I recognized. "K-kyle!!" I yelled .The so called redhead turned around to see who called him. A smile made it's way onto my face. Kyle's facial feature was irritated but when he saw me it changed into a joyful mood. "Y/n! " He wrapped his arms around me and put me in a hug. I just laughed at his actions. The boy with the red coat/sweater and light blue hat muttered a "ooh kahl has a girlfriend! " When he said that I blushed a dark shade of red. I looked at Kyle which he only responded with a "S-shut up fatass. " and a blush covered his face as well. After that misunderstanding, Kyle made me greet Stan, Kenny, Cartman. Kenny was the cool, dirty minded type of the group. While Cartman was the mean douchebag . Besides from Cartman everyone seemed nice. When it was time to get on the school bus 🚌 I sat on a seat alone well till Kyle sat next to me. He would usually sit next to Stan But he decided to sit next to me since I was new and all and Stan didn't seem to mind. Stan decided to sit next to Wendy his usual school crush. While Kenny Sat with Cartman they began joking around and laughing. They were talking about adult jokes. (Kenny: why did the tomato turn red ? cartman: why? He said while smirking . Kenny: because he saw the salad dressing!!) When he said that I tried to hold in a laugh but I couldn't so I was laughing for no particular reason to Kyle. "What's so funny? " He asked I muttered "Kenny " He looked at Kenny's and cartman direction. He smiled but his eyes looked angry and a bit jealous? "K-kyle are you ok? " I asked "Yeah I'm FINE", he said smiling " So Y/N are you nervous? Being your first day and all ? "Sort of, I mean I get to meet new people" I said while shrugging slightly. When we got to school I went to my locker. I said farewell to Kyle which he responded with a "see you in class". I was walking in the hallway trying to find my locker. When I accidentally bumped into someone again. I sighed at the thought while quickly apologizing. "I-its ok. " A average height boy, with blonde hair and a light blue sweater muttered. "U-um are you new here? " He asked "Yeah."
"My names butters" He said "My names Y/n" "So does that mean we're friends now? "He asked " Yeah we sure are "I said while ruffling his hair before what I knew I was doing. " "Sorry" I said while turning a dark red. "It's ok" he said while blushing a little "W-well see you in class Y/n.! " "Yeah, see ya" he is so fucking ADORABLE. Ok calm down Y/n I thought. Finally I reach my locker without bumping into someone else (surprisingly). I opened my locker and put some of my stuff in there. When I closed my locker i noticed someones locker had the word 'Loser' on it me being who i am i got a piece of paper from my binder and wrote
" you are not a loser they are for calling you one. If you want to be my friend meet me at the cafeteria. I know how it feels. It's ok just ignore them. Fuck everyone they are all just being dicks . I believe in you. You are awesome"
-The new kid. After that i decided it was time to get to class. i walked all the way over there and opened the door. Lots of kids we're staring at me . I began to notice my heart beat began going faster and the room felt warm."Y/n "
the teacher said " Yes? " I replied trying not to stutter "Well would you like to introduce yourself to the class".I looked around for any single ounce of courage. I saw Kyle his eyes we're shiny and his mouth was formed into a smile I stared at him and he responded with a nod. I took a deep breath and said " My names Y/n and I come from h/t (home town). I hope we can all become friend's " I said gosh that was pathetic. " Ok now Y/n can you sit next to... Kenny" I nodded and started going towards where the boy with the orange parka was. He shot me a smirk. 😏I replied with a 😃smile. I sat next to Kenny. Then the teacher (Mr.garrison) began talking about history. I just stared forward. I felt like I was being watched I looked in the corner of my eye and saw Kenny stare at me still Smirking. I waved at him. He waved back. I wrote a note to him saying "what's up kenny? ".he replied with a " Do you want to hear a joke? " "Sure shoot. " I responded . (A/n:Damn it my pinkies numb x3) "Did you sit on a pile of sugar cause you got a sweet 🍬ass(🍑) " I replied "how do you spell me? " "M.e" "You forgot the D " 'There's no D in me-" "Not yet " We both sat there smirking at each other. "😂lol " He muttered. I replied with a"XD" Finally it was the end of class . Me and Kenny walked to the cafeteria with Kyle, Stan, and cartman trailing behind us. Stan and Kyle we're talking about Wendy and how Stan should stop having a crush on her. Me and Kenny we're talking about Video games. And Cartman was talking about how I had a crush on Kenny I responded with a "No " Every single time. While butters came up to me and said "wait up y/n " He said looking out of breath when Cartman noticed butters he replied with a "shut up Butters " Which annoyed me while Noone said nothing I said "Cartman can I talk to you.! " I said while innocently smiling "sure whatever" "Leave Butters alone"
"Why should I? " "If you do I will get you a hamburger"I said while sighing " Why didn't you say so? " He replied cheerfully we walked back to the guys and I told Butters "if he bothers you again tell me. " " Ok "he said cheerfully.


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Well I hoped you guys enjoyed another chapter of this story 📖 well I'm working on the next one I promise I'll finish it as soon as possible!! Luv you guys!! And keep reading!! 😆enjoy the Gif!!! (I made this a long (xD) chapter since I didn't publish one in a few days!)

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