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Kaitlin's Pov

Today was the day. The day when they finally have to leave. But who knew it would go so fast? Julianne and I were on our way to the airport to see the boys. Although they were leaving it was for a good cause. They were going on tour and we couldn't be more proud of them.

After a few minutes of silence, Julianne spoke. "W-what if they forget us?" She croaked. While a tear rolled down her cheek. "They won't." I said quickly. And for the rest of the ride I couldn't help but think what if we are forgotten? But it quickly disappeared once we parked the car and saw the 4 lads waiting for us. Julianne and I jumped out of the car and ran to the boys hugging them tightly. We all hugged eachother and cried. I wasn't ready for them to leave not at all. But I couldn't do one thing about it. "Guys I think we should get going." Luke said sadly. The boys nodded. And hugged us one last time. While I was hugging Calum he whispered to me,

"You will not be Forgotten."

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