Let go [[Taehyungxreader angst]]

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It was a freak accident-

Mistakes were made, irreversible decisions that would lead to devastation all around the table.

Love is something so hard to define or place a hold on. No ring or papers can keep two people from falling apart. Even the people we love the most, family, cant keep us from the destiny this universe has laid out for us in the form of some "chemicals" in our DNA  making us feel a certain way towards a certain someone. Even so, we fight and try and do the best we can without support but its truly all destinies call and she'll do anything even if it means taking the person we love the most force us onto a different path of life.

"Female, Late teens in unstable condition. Calling for immediate surgery-"

it had been days after the accident, no word from you or anyone. Every time I tried to go into the hospital to find you I was taken about either your furious father or security when I insisted I needed to see you...

I needed you I was a mess, longing for your touch to make it all better to let me know you would wake up and be okay I needed to hear those three little words to let me know it wasn't truly over.

"hey tae, how are you holding up..?"


"Dude you there?" I felt several tiny knocks on my head as I snap into reality looking up to find the guys all 6 of em.

"how did you get in i-" I stutter out before being cut off

"backdoor was open...how are you feeling?-" The maknae, Jungkook says nervously looking hesitate and shy, more than usual.

"I'm totally fine! I was about to go on a date with y/n for our anniversary" I say in a gleeful voice

The boys look around to each other before Jin steps up in front of me, placing a hand on my shoulder.

"Tae...you know y/ns in the hospital, she is in unstable condition in a coma-" He lets out trying to be gentle about the situation. I look at him and start laughing.

"dude, you're so fucking funny, no I just talked to her the other day she was in the car and, and she was fine she was okay totally okay alive and well she loves me and she wouldn't say it because she was mad I get it but it is our anniversary she loves me and she's okay, she's gonna show up I-" I stutter out as tears well up in my eyes

I fall to my knees as I continue talking to myself

"No, she loves me she does I know it it's okay it's okay it's okay" I start to laugh again as I hysterically start sobbing.

The guys look upon me in pity as Yoongi steps to me, pulling me up as he starts yelling.

"Get a fucking grip on yourself! you sound fucking crazy!!" He says as he throws me up again the wall, I stop laughing and just sob as I slide down the wall. My life comes crashing down.

In the end, I knew the truth. The cold harsh reality of everything.

You ran away from me after a heated argument. Taking your car quickly speeding away. I tried calling you but you are always so stubborn you didn't pick up...I texted you knowing you'd at least read it.

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